Emerging infections


Emerging infections

edited by W. Michael Scheld, Donald Armstrong, James M. Hughes

ASM, 1998-

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Editors of 2-5: W. Michael Scheld, William A. Craig, James M. Hughes

Editors of 6: W. Michael Scheld, Barbara E. Murray, James M. Hughes

Editors of 7: W. Michael Scheld, David C. Hooper, James M. Hughes

Editors of 8: W. Michael Scheld, Scott M. Hammer, James M. Hughes

Editors of 9: W. Michael Scheld, M. Lindsay Grayson, James M. Hughes

Editors of 10: W. Michael Scheld, James M. Hughes, Richard J. Whitley

Includes Index


1 ISBN 9781555811211


This book is the first of an annual series of books which will be based on ICAAC Symposia on Emerging Infections. The editors are in the forefront of the scientific and clinical communities dealing with emerging pathogens. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and will cover basic science as well as clinical topics. This book and the series will be valuable and popular for a wide range of people working in the fields of infectious diseases, internal medicine, and clinical microbiology.


Table of Contents Epidemic Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: a Global Public Health Problem in the 21st Century 1. Hemorrhagic Fevers: How They Wax and Wane 2. Recurrent Emergence of Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis 3. Flying Foxes, Horses, and Humans: a Zoonosis Caused by a New Member of the Paramyxoviridae 4. The Reemergence of Rabies 5. Emerging Human Ehrlichioses: Recently Recognized, Widely Distributed, Life-Threatening Tick-Borne Diseases 6. The Reemergence of Severe Group A Streptococcal Disease: an Evolutionary Perspective 7. Patterns in the Emergence of Epidemic Meningococcal Disease 8. Escherichia coli O157:H7 9. Bartonella: an Emerging Human Pathogen 10. Epidemic Diptheria in the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union 11. A Convergence of Tick-Transmitted Diseases within the Lyme Disease Transmission Cycle 12. Helicobacter pylori and Gastroduodenal Disorders 13. The Changing Nature of Nontuberculous Mycobacteriology 14. Emerging Fungal Pathogens: Evolving Challenges to Immunocompromised Patients 15. Emerging Enteric Protozoa: Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, and Microsporidia 16. Emerging and Reemerging Infections: the Critical Societal Determinants, Their Mitigation, and Our Responsibilities 17. Addressing the Challenges of Emerging Infectious Diseases: Implementation of the strategy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

2 ISBN 9781555811419


The second volume in an annual series of books based on ICAAC Symposia, Emerging Infections 2 provides a complete and updated discussion of new and emerging infectious diseases, covering both basic science and clinical topics. Written by experts in the field, this new book offers broad coverage on topics ranging from prions and viruses to bacteria and helminths. It also includes chapters on food borne dieseases in the 21st century, concerns in blood safety, and strategies for addressing emerging infections on a global scale. This book and the series will be valuable to a wide range of people working in microbiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, and clinical medicine.


  • New-Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in the Americas
  • Emergence Mechanisms in Yellow Fever and Dengue
  • Human Herpesvirus 8 and Kaposi's Sarcoma
  • The Association of Chlamydia pneumoniae and Atherogenesis
  • Cholera and Vibrio cholerae
  • Reemerging Infections: Recent Developments in Pertussis
  • Epidemic Leptospirosis Associated with Pulmonary Hemorrhage in Nicaragua, Other Recent Outbreaks, and Diagnostic Testing
  • Plague as an Emerging Disease
  • Cyclospora
  • The Resurgence of Malaria
  • Immigrants, Imaging and Immunoblots: the Emergence of Neurocysticercosis as a Significant Public Health Problem
  • The North American Liver Fluke, Metorchis conjunctus
  • Opportunistic Infections (Ols) as Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Food-Borne Diseases in the Global Village
  • From Prions to Parasites: Issues and Concerns in Blood Safety
  • CDC's Global Efforts to Address Emerging Diseases

3 ISBN 9781555811686


This book is the third of an annual series of books based on ICAAC Symposia on Emerging Infections. The editors are in the forefront of the scientific and clinical communities dealing with emerging pathogens. This will be very valuable and popular for a wide range of people in infectious diseases, internal medicine, and clinical microbiology. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and covers basic science as well as clinical topics.


1. Hepatitis E Virus. 2. Typhus Fevers: Forgotten but Lingering Threats. 3. Emerging Rickettsioses. 4. Food-bourne Disease due to Salmonella typhimurium DT 104 and Salmonella enteritidis. 5. Infections due to Streptococcus iniae: A Model for New Pathogens. 7. Microsporidiosis. 8. Leishmania: a Parasite on the Move. 9. Chagas' Disease: A Tropical Illness Now in the US. 10. Pfiesteria. 11. Tissue-based Methods for Diagnosing New and Emerging Pathogens. 12. Emergining Infectious Diseases in Animals. 13. Infectious Disease Issues in Xenotransplantation. 14. The Medical Examiner's Perspective on Emerging Infections.

4 ISBN 9781555811976


Emerging Infections 4 is the fourth of an annual series of books based on ICAAC Symposia on Emerging Infections. It provides a complete and updated discussion of new and emerging infectious diseases, covering both basic science and clinical topics. The editors are in the forefront of the scientific and clinical communities dealing with emerging pathogens. This book and the series will be valuable to a wide range of people working in microbiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, and clinical medicine.


Table of Contents 1. Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Microbe for All Ages, Mimic of Maladies Many 2. Emergence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Drug Resistance 3. Toroviruses: Emerging Pathogens of Humans and Animals 4. The Human Enteric Caliciviruses: an Expanded Role for Old Viruses 5. Monkeypox: an Emerging Infection for Humans? 6. Sequence-Based Methods for Pathogen Discovery: the Complex Associations of Microbes, Microbial Sequences, and Host 7. Listeriosis 8. Group B Streptococci: from Emerging Infection to Prevention Success Story 9. Helicobacter Species other than Helicobacter pylori: Emerging Pathogens in Humans and Animals 10. Noncholera Vibrios 11. Cryptosporidium parvum: Miniscule but Mighty 12. Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Related Opportunistic Infections in the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy 13. Countermeasures to the Reemergence of Smallpox Virus as an Agent of Bioterrorism 14. Are Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses Practical Agents for Biological Terrorism?

5 ISBN 9781555812164


Emerging Infections 5 is the fifth of an annual series of books based on ICAAC Symposia on Emerging Infections. It provides a complete and updated discussion of new and emerging infectious diseases, covering both basic science and clinical topics. The editors are in the forefront of the scientific and clinical communities dealing with emerging pathogens. This book and the series will be valuable to a wide range of people working in microbiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, and clinical medicine.


Table of Contents 1. Enterovirus 71, an Emerging Virus 2. West Nile Virus Infection in New York City: the Public Health Perspective 3. Q Fever: Queries Remaining after Decades of Research 4. Emerging from Obscurity: Understanding Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Syndromes, Pathogenesis, and Epidemiology of Human Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infections 5. Community-Onset Oxacillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infection 6. Electron Transport-Deficient Staphylococcus aureus Small-Colony Variants as Emerging Pathogens 7. Clindamycin-Resistant Clostridium difficile 8. Water-Transmissible Diseases and Hemodialysis 9. Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection and Buruli Ulcer Disease: Emergence of a Public Health Dilemma 10. Borrelia: a Diverse and Ubiquitous Genus of Tick-Borne Pathogens 11. Emerging Perspectives on Human Babesiosis 12. Amebiasis, an Emerging Disease 13. Bioterrorism: a Real Modern Threat 14. Bioterrorist Threats: What the Infectious Disease Community Should Know about Anthrax

6 ISBN 9781555812423


Emerging Infections 6 is the sixth of a series of books based on ICAAC Symposia on Emerging Infections. It provides a complete and updated discussion of new and emerging infectious diseases, covering both basic science and clinical topics. The editors are in the forefront of the scientific and clinical communities dealing with emerging pathogens. This book and the series will be valuable to a wide range of people working in microbiology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, and clinical medicine.


Table of Contents 1. Hepatitis C and Chronic Liver Disease 2. Polio Reemerges in the Americas: a Vaccine-Derived Outbreak in Hispaniola in 2000 and 2001 3. Yellow Fever Vaccine-Associated Disease 4. Responding to Epidemics of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: Progress and Lessons Learned from Recent Outbreaks in Uganda, Gabon, and Congo 5. The Global Epidemiology of AIDS 6. A Multidisciplinary Approach to AIDS in Africa: the Academic Alliance for AIDS Care and Prevention in Africa 7. Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli 8. Wound Botulism, Tetanus, and Necrotizing Fasciitis among Injecting Drug Users in California: the Clostridial Connection 9. Unexplained Severe Illness and Death among Injecting Drug Users in Scotland, Ireland, and England from April to August 2000 10. Travel-Associated Fungal Infections 11. Human African Trypanosomiasis: a Reemerging Public Health Threat 12. Raccoon Roundworm Infection (Baylisascariasis): a Zoonosis of Pediatric and Public Health Concern 13. Can Surveillance for Unexplained Deaths Be Used as a Public Health Approach for Early Recognition of New Pathogens? 14. The International Emerging Infections Program in Thailand: an Early Report

7 ISBN 9781555813772


This volume is the seventh in a series of books based on ICAAC Symposia on Emerging Infections. It offers an updated review of new and emerging infectious diseases, including Avian Influenza (H5N1), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), West Nile fever, and many others. The editors are experts in their respective fields of research and are active in the scientific and clinical communities that deal with emerging pathogens. The Emerging Infections series is a valuable resource for a wide range of people working in microbiology, Infectious diseases, epidemiology, public health, and clinical medicine.


Table of Contents 1. Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus, Justin R. Ortiz and Timothy M. Uyeki 2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), J. S. M. Peiris, Y. Guan, L. L. M. Poon, V. C. C. Cheng, J. M. Nicholls, and K. Y. Yuen 3. Human Metapneumovirus, Bernadette G. van den Hoogen, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, and Ron A. M. Fouchier 4. Changing Patterns of Respiratory Viral Infections in Transplant Recipients, Michael G. Ison and Jay A. Fishman 5. Monkeypox Virus: Insights on Its Emergence in Human Populations, Inger Damon 6. West Nile Virus, Lyle R. Petersen 7. Chandipura Encephalitis: a Newly Recognized Disease of Public Health Importance in India, Akhilesh Chandra Mishra 8. Emergence of Novel Retroviruses, Nathan D. Wolfe, William M. Switzer, and Walid Heneine 9. Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Susan E. Crawford, Susan Boyle-Vavra, and Robert S. Daum 10. Carbapenem Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Other Members of the Family Enterobacteriaceae, Simona Bratu and John Quale 11. The Emerging Role of Klebsiellae in Liver Abscess, Joseph Rahimian and Jin-Town Wang 12. Conjugate Vaccines as Probes To Define the Burden of Pneumococcal and Haemophilus influenzae Type b Pneumonia as Well as the Role of Viruses in the Pathogenesis of Pneumonia, Keith P. Klugman and Shabir A. Madhi 13. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and Crohn's Disease, Saleh A. Naser and Najih A. Naser 14. Zygomycosis, Corina E. Gonzalez, Charalampos Antachopoulos, Shmuel Shoham, and Thomas J. Wal 15. Emerging Food- and Waterborne Protozoan Diseases, Michael J. Arrowood, Ynes R. Ortega, Lihua X. Xiao, and Ronald Fayer 16. Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter Infections in U.S. Military Personnel, 2003 to 2005, Kepler A. Davis and Kimberly A. Moran 17. Leishmaniasis in American Soldiers: Parasites from the Front, Naomi E. Aronson 18. Smallpox Vaccination: a Review of Adverse Events for Contemporary Health Care Providers, Vincent A. Fulginiti

8 ISBN 9781555814441


This volume in the series is based on ICAAC and IDSA Symposia on Emerging Infections. Features contributions from the foremost experts in their respective fields of research Presents the most current research on new and emerging infections Offers up-to-date information on diseases that have generated international interest Includes figures, tables, and references


Table of Contents 1. Novel Non-SARS Coronaviruses, Larry J. Anderson and Lia M. Haynes 2. Human Bocavirus: a Newly Discovered Human Parvovirus, Jeffrey S. Kahn and Peter Tattersall 3. Norovirus Gastroenteritis, Tibor Farkas, Ming Tan, and Xi Jiang 4. New Human Parechoviruses: Six and Counting, Kimberley S. M. Benschop, Glyn Stanway, and Katja C. Wolthers 5. Adenoviral Infections in Transplant Recipients, Evan J. Anderson and Michael G. Ison 6. Japanese Encephalitis Prevention and Control: Advances, Challenges, and New Initiatives, Marc Fischer, Susan Hills, Erin Staples, Barbara Johnson, Mansour Yaich, and Tom Solomon 7. Epidemic Emergence of Chikungunya Virus: Options for Control of an Enzootic Virus, Ann M. Powers 8. Lyssaviruses: beyond Rabies, Joe McCormack and Ina Smith 9. Hendra and Nipah Viruses: Lethal Zoonotic Paramyxoviruses, Kimberly A. Bishop and Christopher C. Broder 10. Combating and Predicting Rift Valley Fever Outbreaks: a Scientific and Geopolitical Challenge for the Future, Veronique Chevalier, Vincent Martin, Stephane de La Rocque, and Francois Roger 11. Streptococcus suis: the Threat Remains, Qiao-Ping Wang and Zhao-Rong Lun 12. Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Loren Gregory Miller and Samantha J. Eells 13. Pertussis, Tejpratap S. P. Tiwari 14. Recent Trends in Outbreaks of Salmonellosis in the United States, Michael F. Lynch 15. Klebsiella oxytoca as a Cause of Antibiotic-Associated Colitis, Christoph Hoegenauer and Thomas Hinterleitner 16. Clostridium difficile Disease, Daniel M. Musher and Saima Aslam 17. Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Neil W. Schluger 18. Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome, Patrick H. P. Soentjens, Graeme Meintjes, Martyn A. French, and Robert Colebunders 19. Non-albicans Candida Infections, Jack D. Sobel and Sanjay Revankar 20. Emerging Tools for Microbial Diagnosis, Surveillance, and Discovery, W. Ian Lipkin, Gustavo Palacios, and Thomas Briese

9 ISBN 9781555815257


Based on the recent Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) and the Infectious Diseases Society of America sessions. Focuses on a broad range of infectious agents that pose challenges for the clinical, laboratory, research, public health, and animal health communities. Reflects the diversity of infectious agent threats in the 21st century. Some of these agents have been only recently discovered, such as the Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus. Others are known pathogens presenting new challenges, such as human adenovirus 14. This title is published by the American Society of Microbiology Press and distributed by Taylor and Francis in rest of world territories.


Table of Contents 1. Lessons from the Southern Hemisphere: the First Wave of the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Australia, Dominic E. Dwyer 2. Reemergence of Human Adenovirus 14, Dean D. Erdman and Larry J. Anderson 3. Is Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus an Emerging Causative Agent of Pneumonia? Philippe Colson and Didier Raoult 4. The Global Impact of Hepatitis E: New Horizons for an Emerging Virus, Alain B. Labrique, Mark H. Kuniholm, and Kenrad E. Nelson 5. New Lymphocytic Choriomeninigitis Virus-Like Arenavirus Infections, Patrick G. P. Charles, Francesco L. Ierino, Michael G. Catton, and W. Ian Lipkin 6. Human T-Lymphotropic Virus 1: Clinical Aspects of a Neglected Infection among Indigenous Populations, L. J. Einsiedel, K. Verdonck, and E. Gotuzzo 7. Cytomegalovirus Infection in Transplantation, Raymund R. Razonable 8. Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Malignancies, Nathan T. Connell and Jeremy S. Abramson 9. Arcobacter: an Opportunistic Human Food-Borne Pathogen? Irene V. Wesley and William G. Miller 10. Global Spread of Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli, David L. Paterson, Hanna Sidjabat, and Yohei Doi 11. Sepsis in Sub-Saharan Africa, Christopher C. Moore, Shevin T. Jacob, Patrick Banura, and W. Michael Scheld 12. Understanding Buruli Ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans Disease), P. D. R. Johnson, C. Demangel, T. P. Stinear, M. E. Benbow, and J. A. Fyfe 13. Plasmodium knowlesi: the Fifth Human Malarial Parasite, Janet Cox-Singh, Balbir Singh, and Sanjeev Krishna 14. "Emerging" Neglected Tropical Diseases, Rahul Vanjani, Peter Hotez, and David J. Diemert 15. Infections in Long-Term Care Facilities, Manisha Juthani-Mehta and Vincent Quagliarello 16. Emerging Infectious Diseases in Mobile Populations, Natasha S. Hochberg and Carlos Franco-Parades 17. One World-One Health, William B. Karesh and Neil Vora 18. Emerging Infectious Plant Diseases, Jacqueline Fletcher, Douglas Luster, Richard Bostock, James Burans, Kitty Cardwell, Tim Gottwald, Larry McDaniel, Matt Royer, and Kent Smith

10 ISBN 9781555819446


The tenth book in the Emerging Infections series features chapters written by leading infectious disease experts, who offer perspectives from basic and clinical research, epidemiology, and public health. Its coverage of current and emerging threats makes Emerging Infections 10 essential for anyone involved in the fight against infectious diseases, including professionals in microbiology, epidemiology, public health, and clinical and veterinary medicine. Essential resource for the fight against emerging infectious diseases Incidences such as the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa and the 2015 appearance of Zika in Brazil provide dramatic evidence of the continued ability of microbes to emerge, spread, adapt, and threaten global health. The challenge facing infectious disease specialists and public health professionals is to improve and find new diagnostic, therapeutic, and prevention strategies. The editors of the 10th installment of the Emerging Infections series have compiled the perspectives of leading infectious disease experts into 22 chapters that provide important updates on a broad range of emerging and reemerging bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infectious diseases in the United States and globally. In addition to focusing on MERS, Ebola virus disease, chikungunya, and Zika virus disease, Emerging Infections 10 explores the global threat of antimicrobial resistance in reviews on carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, multiply-resistant gonococcal infections, non-typhoidal Salmonella infections, and artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Topics include both recently- and long-recognized diseases that pose challenges for the clinical, laboratory, research, public health, and animal health communities. Emerging Infections 10 presents new and emerging strategies to prevent, control, and eradicate infectious diseases and guides readers to the primary literature where they can explore individual topics in greater depth. This book is a valuable reference for professionals in microbiology, epidemiology, public health, and clinical and veterinary medicine.


Contributors ix Foreword xv Preface xvii Acknowledgments xix 1 West Africa 2013: Re-examining Ebola 1 Daniel G. Bausch and Amanda Rojek 2 Preparing for Serious Communicable Diseases in the United States: What the Ebola Virus Epidemic Has Taught Us 39 Jay B. Varkey and Bruce S. Ribner 3 Ebola Virus Disease: Therapeutic and Potential Preventative Opportunities 53 Robert Fisher and Luciana Borio 4 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) 73 Sonja A. Rasmussen, Amelia K. Watson, and David L. Swerdlow 5 The Emergence of Enterovirus D-68 105 Kevin Messacar, Mark J. Abzug, and Samuel R. Dominguez 6 The Role of Punctuated Evolution in the Pathogenicity of Influenza Viruses 121 Jonathan A. McCullers 7 Measles in the United States since the Millennium: Perils and Progress in the Postelimination Era 131 Anne Schuchat, Amy Parker Fiebelkorn, and William Bellini 8 Chikungunya Virus: Current Perspectives on a Reemerging Virus 143 Clayton R. Morrison, Kenneth S. Plante, and Mark T. Heise 9 Zika Virus Disease 163 Werner Slenczka 10 West Nile Virus Infection 175 James J. Sejvar 11 Mobilization of Carbapenemase-Mediated Resistance in Enterobacteriaceae 201 Amy Mathers 12 Antimicrobial Resistance Expressed by Neisseria gonorrhoeae: A Major Global Public Health Problem in the 21st Century 213 Magnus Unemo, Carlos del Rio, and William M. Shafer 13 Bordetella holmesii: Still Emerging and Elusive 20 Years On 239 Laure F. Pittet and Klara M. Posfay-Barbe 14 Cronobacter spp. 255 Brian P. Blackwood and Catherine J. Hunter 15 Clostridium difficile Infection 265 Jae Hyun Shin, Esteban Chaves-Olarte, and Cirle A. Warren 16 Emerging Tick-Borne Bacterial Pathogens 295 Tahar Kernif, Hamza Leulmi, Didier Raoult, and Philippe Parola 17 Bordetella pertussis 311 Delma J. Nieves and Ulrich Heininger 18 Invasive Infections with Nontyphoidal Salmonella in Sub-Saharan Africa 341 Barbara E. Mahon and Patricia I. Fields 19 Fungal Infections Associated with Contaminated Steroid Injections 359 Carol A. Kauffman and Anurag N. Malani 20 Emerging Fungal Infections in the Pacific Northwest: The Unrecognized Burden and Geographic Range of Cryptococcus gattii and Coccidioides immitis 375 Shawn R. Lockhart, Orion Z. McCotter, and Tom M. Chiller 21 The Emerging Amphibian Fungal Disease, Chytridiomycosis: A Key Example of the Global Phenomenon of Wildlife Emerging Infectious Diseases 385 Jonathan E. Kolby and Peter Daszak 22 Artemisinin-Resistant Plasmodium falciparum Malaria 409 Rick M. Fairhurst and Arjen M. Dondorp Index 431

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  • ISBN
    • 1555811213
    • 1555811418
    • 155581168X
    • 1555811973
    • 1555812163
    • 1555812422
    • 1555813771
    • 9781555814441
    • 9781555815257
    • 9781555819446
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    26 cm
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