Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

Bibliographic Information

Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management

Thomas W. Zimmerer, Norman M. Scarborough

Prentice Hall, c1998

2nd ed

  • : pbk.

Other Title

The essentials of small business management

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Previous ed. published under title: The essentials of small business management. 1994

Includes bibliographical references (p. 559-572) and index

Description and Table of Contents


For courses in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship. A streamlined version of the authors' best-selling Effective Small Business Management, Fifth Edition, this 15-chapter, self-contained text offers complete coverage of the essential topics in small business management and entrepreneurship. Using a lively, interesting writing style, an abundance of real-world examples, and practical hands-on exercises and activities, it provides a no-nonsense real-world approach that follows the logical process and critical issues of creating, launching, and managing a successful small business. A comprehensive supplements package provides students with exceptional interactive, hands-on experience.

Table of Contents

I. THE CHALLENGES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP. 1. The Foundations of Entrepreneurship. II. BUILDING THE BUSINESS PLAN: BEGINNING CONSIDERATIONS. 2. Strategic Management and the Entrepreneur. 3. Forms of Ownership and Franchising. 4. Buying an Existing Business. III. BUILDING THE BUSINESS PLAN: MARKETING AND FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS. 5. Creating a Powerful Marketing Plan. 6. Advertising and Pricing for Profit 7. Managing Cash Flow. 8. Creating a Successful Financial Plan. 9. Crafting a Winning Business Plan. IV. PUTTING THE PLAN TO WORK: BUILDING A COMPETITIVE EDGE. 10. Sources of Funds: Equity and Debt. 11. Choosing a Location and Layout. 12. Purchasing, Quality, and Inventory Control. 13. Leading the Growing Company and Planning for Management Succession. 14. Global Aspects of Entrepreneurship. V. THE ETHICAL, LEGAL AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT. 15. The Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Environment. APPENDIX: SEPTIC SENSE: A SAMPLE BUSINESS PLAN.

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