History of banking II, 1844-1959


History of banking II, 1844-1959

edited by Duncan M. Ross

Pickering & Chatto, 1998


Banking II

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



A collection of essays originally published between 1844-1957



The role of banks and banking systems in facilitating and shaping the pattern of economic growth has been much explored in an attempt to understand differing levels of economic success in industrializing and mature economies. This is a collection of contributions to the understanding of this role.


  • Volume 1: 1844 and the Currency Controversy T Tooke, An enquiry into the currency principle, the connexion of the currency with prices and the expediency of a separation of issue from banking (1844)
  • R Torrens, An enquiry into the practical working of the proposed arrangements for the renewal of the charter of the Bank of England and the regulation of the currency. With a refutation of the fallacies advanced by Mr Tooke (1844)
  • J S Mill, 'The currency question' Westminster Review XLI (June 1884)
  • J T Danson, 'On the accounts of the Bank of England under the operation of the Act 7 & 8 Vict., c.32' Journal of the Statistical Society, X (1847)
  • C H Carroll, 'Currency of the United States' Hunt's Merchant's Magazine XLIII (1860)
  • E Seyd, 'Statistical critique of the Bank Charter Act of 1844, and suggestions for an improved system of issue' Journal of the Statistical Society, XXXV (1872) Volume 2 : Competition and Free Banking W Clay, Remarks on the expediency of restricting the issue of promissory notes to a single issuing body (1844)
  • J Wilson, 'Capital, currency and banking', The Economist (1847)
  • G Guthrie, Bank monopoly: the cause of commercial crises (1864)
  • G J Goschen, 'Seven Per Cent' Edinburgh Review (1865)
  • B Price, 'The Controversy on free banking between M Wolowki and M Michel Chevalier' Fraser's Magazine (1868)
  • V C Smith, The rationale of central banking and the free banking alternative (1936) Volume 3: Bank Failures, Commercial Distress and Limited Liability Report of the Secret Committee of the House of Lords on Commercial Distress (1848)
  • Report of the Select Committee on the Bank Acts (1858)
  • W Mitchell, Our Scotch banks and their position and their policy, being a practical plan for limited liability (1878)
  • J W Gilbart, History, principles and practice of banking (1907)
  • A D Noyes, 'The Banks and the panic of 1893' Political Science Quarterly 9 (1894)
  • O W M Sprague, History of crises under the National Banking System, United States National Monetary Commission (1910) Volume 4: Banking Statistics W M Newmarch, 'An attempt to ascertain the magnitude and fluctuation of the amounts of bills of exchange (inland and foreign) in circulation at one time in Great Britain, in England, in Scotland, in Lancashire and in Cheshire respectively, during each of the twenty years 1828-1847, both inclusive
  • and also embracing in the inquiry Bills drawn upon foreign countries' Journal of the Statistical Society XIV (1851)
  • R H I Palgrave, 'Notes on banking in Great Britain and Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Hamburg
  • with some remarks on the amount of bills in circulation, both inland and foreign, in Great Britain and Ireland
  • and the banking law of Sweden. Journal of the Statistical Society XXXVI (1873)
  • J Dun, 'The banking institutions, bullion reserves and non-legal tender note circulation of the United Kingdom statistically investigated' Journal of the Statistical Society, XXXIX (1876) Volume 5: Banking Principles G Rae, The country banker
  • J W Gilbart, A practical treatise on banking (1849)
  • J Sykes, The amalgamation movement in English Banking, 1825-1924 (1926)
  • R S Sayers, Modern banking (1938)
  • T Balogh: Studies in financial organization (1950) Volume 6: Reserves and Elasticity W Bagehot, Lombard Street (1873)
  • G J Goschen, Speech to Leeds Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, The Times (1891)
  • H S Foxwell, Papers on current finance (1918)
  • F Lavington, 'The Social Importance of Banking' Economic Journal (1911)
  • G H Pownall, English banking: its development and some practical problems it has to solve (1914)
  • F M Taylor, 'Do we want an elastic currency' Political Science Quarterly II (1896)
  • E W Kemmerer, 'The bank note issue of the proposed federal reserve banks' Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science IV(1913-14)
  • J Perrin, 'What is wrong with our banking and currency system?' Journal of Political Economy XIX (1911)
  • A G Hart, 'The Chicago plan of banking reform: a proposal for making monetary management effective in the United States' Review of Economic Studies II (1934-35)
  • J W Angell, 'The 100 per cent reserve plan' Quarterly Journal of Economics (1936) Volume 7: Clearing and Deposits C Babbage, 'Analysis of the statistics of the clearing house during the year 1839' Journal of the Statistical Society XIX (1856)
  • J Lubbock, 'On the country clearing' Journal of the Statistical Society XXVIII (1865)
  • G H Pownall, 'The proportional use of credit documents and metallic money on English banks' Journal of the Institute of Bankers II (1880-81)
  • A Marshall, Evidence before the Royal Commission on Gold and Silver (1887)
  • E Cannan, 'The meaning of bank deposits' Economica I (1921)
  • C A Phillips, Bank credit (1921)
  • W F Crick, 'The genesis of bank deposits' Economica VII (1927)
  • J W Angell and K F Ficek: 'The expansion of bank deposits ' Journal of Political Economy XLI (1933)
  • J E Meade, 'The amount of money and the banking system' Economic Journal 44 (1934) Volume 8: Banks and Industry J Reisser, The German great banks and their concentration in connection with the economic development of Germany, United States National Monetary Commission (1911)
  • Final report of the Pujo Commitee, United States House Report (1913)
  • H S Foxwell, 'The financing of industry and trade' Economic Journal XXVII (1917)
  • Report of the Committee on Finance and Industry (1931)
  • S E Thomas, British banks and the finance of industry (1931)
  • H Clay, 'The financing of industrial enterprise' Transactions of Manchester Statistical Society Session (1931-32)
  • A F Lucas, 'Bankers Industrial Development Company' Harvard Business Review XI (1932-33) Volume 9: The Emergence of the Federal Reserve System W A Richardson, Annual Report on the State of the Finances (1873)
  • A P Andrew, 'The Treasury and the banks under Secretary Shaw' Quarterly Journal of Economics XXXI (1907)
  • J L Laughlin, 'The Aldrich-Vreeland Act' Journal of Political Economy XVI (1908)
  • V Morawetz, 'The banking and currency problem and its solution' Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science I (1910-11)
  • O W M Sprague, 'The proposal for a Central Bank in the United States: a critical view' Quarterly Journal of Economics XXIII (1909)
  • P M Warburg, 'A united reserve bank of the United States' Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science I (1910-11)
  • P M Warburg, 'Principles that must underlie monetary reform in the United States' Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science IV (1913-14) pp. 500-512
  • B Strong: 'Control of credit through the reserve system', Interpretations of Federal Reserve Policy in the Speeches and Writings of Benjamin Strong (1930)
  • Tenth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board, Covering Operations For the Year 1923 (1924) Volume 10: Central Banking, Interest Rates and Monetary Policy P B Whale, 'Central Banks and the State' Manchester School, X (1939)
  • H C Simons, 'Rules versus authorities in monetary policy' Journal of Political Economy XLIV (1936)
  • R S Sayers: Central banking after Bagehot (1957) chapter 1
  • R Commons, 'The stabilization of prices and business' American Economics Review XV (1925)
  • T E Gregory, 'What can Central Banks really do?' American Economic Review XV (1925)
  • K Wicksell, 'The influence of the rate of interest on prices' Economic Journal XVII (1907)
  • J M Keynes, 'A treatise on money, vol.I: The pure theory of money (1930) chapter 10
  • R G Hawtrey, A century of bank rate (1938) chapter IX
  • B H Beckhart, 'Monetary policy and commercial bank portfolios' American Economic Review XXX (1940)
  • J E Meade and P W S Andrews, 'Summaries of replies to questions on effects of interest rates' Oxford Economic Papers 1 (1938)
  • H F Lydall, 'The impact of the credit squeeze on small and medium sized manufacturing firms' Economic Journal 67 (1957)
  • R Rosa: 'Interest rates and the central bank' in Money, Trade and Economic Growth: Essays on Honour of John H Williams (1951)

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関連文献: 10件中  1-10を表示

  • Central banking, interest rates, and monetary policy

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 10


  • The emergence of the Federal Reserve System

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 9


  • Banks and industry

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 8


  • Clearing and deposits

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 7


  • Reserves and elasticity

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 6


  • Banking principles

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 5


  • Banking statistics

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 4


  • Bank failures, commercial distress, and limited liability

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 3


  • Competition and free banking

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 2


  • Introduction ; 1844 and the currency controversy

    edited by Duncan M. Ross

    Pickering & Chatto 1998 History of banking II, 1844-1959 / edited by Duncan M. Ross v. 1


