Liberation theology: human hope confronts Christian history and American power


Liberation theology: human hope confronts Christian history and American power

Rosemary Radford Ruether

Paulist Press, c1972


Includes bibliographical references

  • The foundations for a theology of liberation
  • Christian origins and the counter-culture
  • The vanishing religious order and the emerging human community
  • Is celibacy eschatological? The suppression of Christian radicalism
  • Judaism and Christianity: a dialogue refused
  • Christian anti-Semitism and the dilemma of Zionism
  • Is Christianity misogynist? The failure of women's liberation in the church
  • Mother earth and the megamachine: a theology of liberation in a feminine, somatic, and ecological perspective
  • Is there a black theology? The validity and limits of a racial perspective
  • Communitarian socialism and radical church tradition: building the community of liberation
  • The dilemma of the white left in the mother country
  • Latin American theology of liberation and the birth of a planetary humanity