Recent advances on the pathogenesis and management of diabetes mellitus : proceedings of the 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, Kyongju, Korea, 11-12 April 1997


Recent advances on the pathogenesis and management of diabetes mellitus : proceedings of the 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, Kyongju, Korea, 11-12 April 1997

editors, S.H. Shinn, M. Shichiri, K.-W. Kim

(International congress series, no.1149)

Elsevier, 1998


Includes indexes



The 9th Korea-Japan Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, held in Korea, 11-12 April 1997 promoted the scientific achievement and friendship between the two countries. Recently diabetes research has advanced remarkably, especially in the fields of pathogenesis and management, contributing to the understanding of pathophysiology and the proper management of diabetes mellitus. Hence the reason that the title "Recent Advances on the Pathogenesis and Management" was selected as the main theme for the symposium, and consequently the title of this book.


Oxidative stress and diabetic vascular complications in Korea (S.H. Shinn). Luncheon Lecture. Artificial endocrine pancreas - past, present and future (M. Shichiri). Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus. Approach to the pathogenesis of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus using genetically engineered knockout animals (T. Kadowaki et al. ). Diabetic angiopathy and oxygen free radicals (B.-W. Kim). Mutations of the IRS-1 gene and their impact on insulin resistance (E. Araki et al. ). Cytokine and autoimmune diabetes (M.-S. Lee, N. Sarvetnick). New Therapeutic Approaches in Diabetes Mellitus. The efficacy of metformin monotherapy in patients with NIDDM in Korea (Y.B. Ahn, H.Y. Son). Aldose reductase inhibitor and its therapeutic potential in diabetic complications (N. Hotta et al. ). Obesity/Insulin Resistance. Insulin resistance, visceral fat and hypertension (K. Tanigawa et al. ). Improvement of sz-cell function with long-term treatment of acarbose or metformin in NIDDM (Y. Mori et al. ). The correlation between insulin resistance and the visceral fat vs. skeletal muscle ratio (VMR) in middle-aged women (B.S. Cha et al. ). The difference of SHBG concentration in patients with NIDDM (Y.J. Pyun et al. ). Correlation between serum leptin level and abdominal fat distribution in Korean adults (S.-W. Lee, Y.-S. Choi, S.-J. Lee). An interview-based assessment of eating behavior in nonobese and obese subjects (M. Shintani et al. ). Mononuclear cell manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) activity in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients (H.-C. Bae et al. ). Etiology. Identification of glucokinase mutations in subjects with postrenal transplantation diabetes mellitus (H.C. Lee et al. ). Insulin secretory defect as an early metabolic defect in offspring of NIDDM (Y.-S. Chung, K.-W. Lee, H.-M. Kim). Family history of diabetes and anti-GAD antibodies in nonobese NIDDM (Y. Yoshida et al. ). Risk factor determination for pregnancy-induced impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) (N.H. Cho et al. ). Peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA content can predict the development of diabetes (J.J. Koh et al. ). Absence of a Gly40Ser mutation in the glucagon receptor genes of Japanese NIDDM and hypertension patients (N. Babaya et al. ). The sz-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphism (Trp64Arg) in Korean NIDDM (H.R. Li et al. ). Non-HLA genetic markers for Korean insulin-dependent diabetic patients (S. Lee et al. ). Clinical Diabetes. C-peptide and clinical presentation follow-up study in newly onset diabetes of the young (H.S. Kim et al. ). The patterns of clinical characteristics according to body weight and weight changes in Korean NIDDM patients (Y.S. Hong et al. ). Characteristics of NIDDM patients with fasting hyperglycemia (K. Nojima et al. ). Clinical and immunogenetic characteristics of the patients occurring diabetic ketoacidosis in Korea (H.S. Kim et al. ).

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