Understanding troubled minds : a guide to mental illness and its treatment
Understanding troubled minds : a guide to mental illness and its treatment
Melbourne University Press, c1997
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes index
Understanding Troubled Minds guides us calmly and authoritatively through the full range of mental illnesses and their treatment. It deals with patterns of illness in women, children, adolescents and the elderly. It stresses the value of partnership among psychiatrists, patients and their families. And it places this knowledge within the framework of modern psychiatry from the history of the discipline to just what it is that psychiatrists and other health-professionals do. Sidney Bloch, an eminent academic psychiatrist of many years' clinical experience, highlights the place of hope and optimism, pointing to the great strides being made in the understanding and treatment of mental illness. Acknowledging the complexity of human nature, Professor Bloch weaves stories of real people and the insights of many writers and artists throughout the text. Balanced, humanistic and thoroughly readable, this fully revised edition of Understanding Troubled Minds serves as a practical guide to mental illness and its treatment.
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