The origins of empire : British overseas enterprise to the close of the seventeenth century


The origins of empire : British overseas enterprise to the close of the seventeenth century

Nicholas Canny, editor ; Alaine Low, assistant editor

(The Oxford history of the British Empire, v. 1)

Oxford University Press, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 103



Includes bibliographical references and index



Volume I of the Oxford History of the British Empire explores the origins of empire. It shows how and why England, and later Britain, became involved with transoceanic navigation, trade, and settlement during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The chapters, by leading historians, both illustrate the interconnections between developments in Europe and overseas and offer specialist studies on every part of the world that was substantially affected by British colonial activity. As late as 1630 involvement with regions beyond the traditional confines of Europe was still tentative; by 1690 it had become a firm commitment. series blurb The Oxford History of the British Empire is a major new assessment of the Empire in the light of recent scholarship and the progressive opening of historical records. It deals with the interaction of British and non-western societies from the Elizabethan era to the late twentieth century, aiming to provide a balanced treatment of the ruled as well as the rulers, and to take into account the significance of the Empire for the peoples of the British Isles. It explores economic and social trends as well as political.


  • 1. The Origins of Empire: An Introduction
  • 2. The Struggle for Legitimacy and the Image of Empire in the Atlantic to c.1700
  • 3. War, Politics, and Colonization 1558-1625
  • 4. Guns and Sails in the First Phase of English Colonization 1500-1650
  • 5. 'Civilizing of those Rude Partes': Colonization within Britain and Ireland 1580s-1640s
  • 6. England's New Word and the Old 1480s-1630s
  • 7. Tobacco Colonies: The Shaping of English Society in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake
  • 8. New England in the Seventeenth Century
  • 9. The Hub of Empire: The Caribbean and Britain in the Seventeenth Century
  • 10. The English in Western Africa to 1700
  • 11. The English in Asia to 1700
  • 12. Literature and Empire
  • 13. The English Government, War, Trade, and Settlement 1625-1688
  • 14. New Opportunities for British Settlement: Ireland 1650-1700
  • 15. Native Americans and Europeans in English America 1500-1700
  • 16. The Middle Colonies: New Opportunities for Settlement 1660-1700
  • 17. 'Shaftesbury's Darling': British Settlement in the Carolinas at the Close of the Seventeenth Century
  • 18. Overseas Expansion and Trade in the Seventeenth Century
  • 19. The Emerging Emprire: The Continental Perspective 1650-1715
  • 20. The Glorious Revolution and America
  • 21. Navy, State, Trade, and Empire

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