The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources 1745-1799 : prepared under the direction of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission and published by authority of Congress


The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources 1745-1799 : prepared under the direction of the United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission and published by authority of Congress

John C. Fitzpatrick, editor

Greenwood Press, 1970

Reprint ed

  • v. 31
  • v. 32
  • v. 33
  • v. 34
  • v. 35
  • v. 36
  • v. 37
  • v. 38
  • v. 39

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2

  • 京都大学 文学研究科 図書館現代史

    v. 31253.04||Wa||2||(31)200005182412, v. 32253.04||Wa||2||(32)200005182421, v. 33253.04||Wa||2||(33)200005182430, v. 34253.04||Wa||2||(34)200005182449, v. 35253.04||Wa||2||(35)200005182458, v. 36253.04||Wa||2||(36)200005182467, v. 37253.04||Wa||2||(37)200005182476, v. 38253.04||Wa||2||(38)200005182485, v. 39253.04||Wa||2||(39)200005182494

  • 東京大学 駒場図書館アメ

    v. 31973.41:W31:v.313700176013, v. 32973.41:W31:v.323700176021, v. 33973.41:W31:v.333700176039, v. 34973.41:W31:v.343700176047, v. 35973.41:W31:v.353700176054, v. 36973.41:W31:v.363700176062, v. 37973.41:W31:v.373700176070, v. 38973.41:W31:v.383700176088, v. 39973.41:W31:v.393700176096

  • 該当する所蔵館はありません
  • すべての絞り込み条件を解除する



Originally published : U.S. G.P.O. , 1930-1940

"General index by David M. Matteson": v. 38-39

Vol. 30までは別書誌。<BA36220782>

