European Union economics
European Union economics
Prentice Hall Europe, 1998
4th ed.
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全6件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Rev. ed. of: European Community economics, 3rd ed.
Includes bibliographical references and index
European Union Economics is the ideal text for students who have not studied this topic before. It requires no specialist knowledge of economics. The new edition continues to favour the economic analysis of public policy over detailed descriptions of EU institutions and history. After a general introduction to the theory of economic integration and the structure and objectives of the EU, there is a review of the problems confronting policy makers, an overview of policy alternatives and actual EU policy as well as a comparison between policy performance and objectives. Boxed material handles some of the more theoretical issues.
1.Theory 2.Structure of the EU 3.The Benefits of the Single Currency 4.The EU Budget 5.Tax Harmonization 6.Monetary Integration 7.Agriculture 8.Trade Policies 9.Regional Policies 10.Social Policies 11.Transport 12.Industrial and Competition Policy 13.Environment and Energy 14.Epilogue
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