The duke and the peasant : life in the Middle Ages : the calendar pictures in the Duc de Berry's Très riches heures


The duke and the peasant : life in the Middle Ages : the calendar pictures in the Duc de Berry's Très riches heures

by Wendy Beckett

(Adventures in art)

Prestel, 1997



Summary: A detailed account in text and illustrations of the lives of peasants and nobles through the changing seasons as found in the calendar pictures from the book of hours owned by Duc de Berry, a fourteenth-century French nobleman



The calendar pictures in Duc de Berry's the "Tres Riches Heures" give a colourful, richly detailed account of the life of peasants and nobles through the changing seasons - the cold, snowy days of winter and the warmth of the open fire, spring with its fresh colours and flowers evertwhere, summer with harvesters labouring in the heat, and autumn when the grapes are picked and the seeds sown. This is one book in the series "Adventures in Art" which is aimed at the young and the young at heart. It takes us on a voyage of discovery, exploring the world of art and showing us how to look at pictures in a relaxed, light-hearted way. Aiming to open up the world of art to children of all ages everywhere, these books present famous artists and their works in a way that should stimulate our own creativity.

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