Christianity in South Africa : a political, social & cultural history


Christianity in South Africa : a political, social & cultural history

edited and compiled by Richard Elphick, Rodney Davenport

James Currey , David Philip , University of California Press, 1997

  • : James Currey
  • : James Currey : pbk
  • : David Philip : pbk
  • : University of California Press
  • : University of California Press : pbk


Christianity in South Africa : a political, social, and cultural history

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



: University of California Press ISBN 9780520209398


Christianity, the faith of almost three-quarters of the diverse South African population, has long been pushed to the margins of historical writing on South Africa, yet for more than two centuries it has shaped South African society and its diverse subcultures. This tightly constructed and vigorously written book - a collaboration of thirty specialists working in seven countries - situates Christianity for the first time in the broad political, social, and economic context of South African history; it also traces a variety of religious movements and their histories both before and during apartheid.Perhaps nowhere in the African continent is the study of Christianity as fascinating, complex, or contentious as in South Africa. In the twentieth century, South Africans have used Christian doctrine both to justify and to oppose doctrines of racial segregation, and Christian leadership provided much of the impetus for the founding of the African National Congress in 1912. But the history of South African Christianity is found for the most part in local, or 'micro' narratives, while the highly elaborated 'macro' narratives of colonialism, capitalism, and liberation - the backbone of the conventional histories of South Africa - assign Christianity a marginal role, or no role at all. This volume seeks to insert the Christian micro-narratives into the macro-narratives of South African history, providing for the first time an in-depth, cohesive look at Christianity in South Africa.


CONTENTS: "A Christian Monopoloy: The Reformed Church and Colonial Society under Dutch Rule," by Jonathan N. Gerstner "Combating Spiritual and Social Bondage: Early Missions in the Cape Colony," by Elizabeth Elbourne and Robert Ross "Settlement, Conquest and Theological Controversy: The Churches of Nineteenth-century European Immigrants," by Rodney Davenport "A Battle for Sacred Power: Christian Beginnings Among the Xhosa," by Janet Hodgson "Kingdoms of This World and the Next: Christian Beginnings among Zulu and Swazi," by Norman Etherington "Monarchs and Missionaries among the Tswana and Sotho," by Roger B. Beck "The Spread of Christianity among Whites and Blacks in Transorangia," by Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe "Modernization and Apartheid: The Afrikaner Churches," by Johann Kinghorn "Grappling with a Colonial Heritage: The English-speaking Churches under Imperialism and Apartheid," by John W. De Gruchy "Lutheran Misions and Churches in South Africa," by Georg Scriba with GunnarLislerud "Moving from the Margins to the Mainstream: The Roman Catholic Church," by Joy Brain "A Branch Springs Out: African Initiated Churches," by Hennie Pretorius and Lizo Jafta "The Segregated Spirit: The Pentecostals," by Allan A. Anderson & Gerald J. Pillay "The Struggle for Sunday: All-male Christianity in the Gold Mine Compounds," by Tshidiso Maloka "Power in Prayer and Service: Women's Christian Organizations," by Deborah Gaitskell "Between Christ and Mohammed: Conversion, Slavery, and Gender in the Urban Western Cape," by Robert C. H. Shell "Ambivalence, Antipathy, and Accommodation: Christianity and the Jews," by Milton Shain "Community Service and Conversion: Christianity among Indian South Africans," by Gerald J. Pillay "The Drumbeat of the Cross: Christianity and Literature," by Jeff Opland "South African Christian Music: A) Christian Music in the Western Tradition," by Barry Smith "South African Christian Music: B) Christian Music Among Africans," by David Dargie "South African Christian Architecture," by Dennis Radford "Millenial Christianity, British Imperialism, and African Nationalism," by Wallace G. Mills "The Benevolent Empire and the Social Gospel: Missionaries and South African Christians in the Age of Segregation," by Richard Elphick "Creation and Apartheid: South African Theology since 1948," by Eugene M. Klaaren "Christianity and the Anti-Apartheid Struggle: the Prophetic Voice within Divided Churches," by Peter Walshe

: University of California Press : pbk ISBN 9780520209404


Christianity, the faith of almost three-quarters of the diverse South African population, has long been pushed to the margins of historical writing on South Africa, yet for more than two centuries it has shaped South African society and its diverse subcultures. This tightly constructed and vigorously written book - a collaboration of thirty specialists working in seven countries - situates Christianity for the first time in the broad political, social, and economic context of South African history; it also traces a variety of religious movements and their histories both before and during apartheid.Perhaps nowhere in the African continent is the study of Christianity as fascinating, complex, or contentious as in South Africa. In the twentieth century, South Africans have used Christian doctrine both to justify and to oppose doctrines of racial segregation, and Christian leadership provided much of the impetus for the founding of the African National Congress in 1912. But the history of South African Christianity is found for the most part in local, or 'micro' narratives, while the highly elaborated 'macro' narratives of colonialism, capitalism, and liberation - the backbone of the conventional histories of South Africa - assign Christianity a marginal role, or no role at all. This volume seeks to insert the Christian micro-narratives into the macro-narratives of South African history, providing for the first time an in-depth, cohesive look at Christianity in South Africa.


CONTENTS: "A Christian Monopoloy: The Reformed Church and Colonial Society under Dutch Rule," by Jonathan N. Gerstner "Combating Spiritual and Social Bondage: Early Missions in the Cape Colony," by Elizabeth Elbourne and Robert Ross "Settlement, Conquest and Theological Controversy: The Churches of Nineteenth-century European Immigrants," by Rodney Davenport "A Battle for Sacred Power: Christian Beginnings Among the Xhosa," by Janet Hodgson "Kingdoms of This World and the Next: Christian Beginnings among Zulu and Swazi," by Norman Etherington "Monarchs and Missionaries among the Tswana and Sotho," by Roger B. Beck "The Spread of Christianity among Whites and Blacks in Transorangia," by Irving Hexham and Karla Poewe "Modernization and Apartheid: The Afrikaner Churches," by Johann Kinghorn "Grappling with a Colonial Heritage: The English-speaking Churches under Imperialism and Apartheid," by John W. De Gruchy "Lutheran Misions and Churches in South Africa," by Georg Scriba with GunnarLislerud "Moving from the Margins to the Mainstream: The Roman Catholic Church," by Joy Brain "A Branch Springs Out: African Initiated Churches," by Hennie Pretorius and Lizo Jafta "The Segregated Spirit: The Pentecostals," by Allan A. Anderson & Gerald J. Pillay "The Struggle for Sunday: All-male Christianity in the Gold Mine Compounds," by Tshidiso Maloka "Power in Prayer and Service: Women's Christian Organizations," by Deborah Gaitskell "Between Christ and Mohammed: Conversion, Slavery, and Gender in the Urban Western Cape," by Robert C. H. Shell "Ambivalence, Antipathy, and Accommodation: Christianity and the Jews," by Milton Shain "Community Service and Conversion: Christianity among Indian South Africans," by Gerald J. Pillay "The Drumbeat of the Cross: Christianity and Literature," by Jeff Opland "South African Christian Music: A) Christian Music in the Western Tradition," by Barry Smith "South African Christian Music: B) Christian Music Among Africans," by David Dargie "South African Christian Architecture," by Dennis Radford "Millenial Christianity, British Imperialism, and African Nationalism," by Wallace G. Mills "The Benevolent Empire and the Social Gospel: Missionaries and South African Christians in the Age of Segregation," by Richard Elphick "Creation and Apartheid: South African Theology since 1948," by Eugene M. Klaaren "Christianity and the Anti-Apartheid Struggle: the Prophetic Voice within Divided Churches," by Peter Walshe

: James Currey ISBN 9780852557501


Almost three-quarters of South Africans in the late-1990s call themselves Christians. From colonial times, when missionaries embroiled themselves in frontier conflicts, until recently, when both defenders and opponents of apartheid draw heavily upon Christian doctrine and ritual, Christian impulses have shaped South Africa.


  • Part 1 The transplanting of christianity: The Reformed Church and colonial society under Dutch rule, Jonathan N. Gerstner
  • Early missions in the Cape colony, Elizabeth Elbourne, Robert Ross
  • Churches of 19th-century European immigrants, R. Davenport
  • Christian beginnings (Xhosa), Janet Hodgson
  • Christian beginnings (ZULU and Swazi), Norman Etherington
  • Monarchs and missionaries (Tswana and Sotho), Roger B. Beck
  • The spread of christianity in Transorangia, Irving Hexham, Karla Poewe. Part 2 The churches of modern Africa: Afrikaner churches, Johann Kinghorn
  • English-speaking churches, John W. de Gruchy
  • Lutheran missions and churches, Georg Scriba, Gunnar Lislerud
  • The Roman Catholic Church, Joy Barin
  • African initiated churches, Hennie Pretorius, Lizo Jafta
  • The Pentecostals, Allan A. Anderson, Gerald J. Pillay. Part 3 Christianity in South Africa sub-cultures: all-male christianity in gold-mine compounds, Tshidiso Maloka
  • Women's christian organisations, Deborah Gaiskell
  • Conversion, slavery and gender in urban western Cape, Robert C.H. shell
  • Christianity and the jews, Milton Shain
  • christianity among Indian South Africans, Gerald J. Pillay. Part 4 Christianity and creative arts: Christianity and literature, Jeff Opland
  • Christian music in the western tradition, Barry Smith
  • Christian music among Africans, David Dargie
  • South African christian architecture, Dennis Radford. Part 5 Christianity, power and race: Millennial christianity
  • British imperialism and African nationalism, Wallace G. Mills
  • Missionaries and South African christians in the age of segregation, R. Elphick
  • South African theology since 1948, E.M. Klaaren
  • Christianity and anti-apartheid struggle, P. Walshe.

: James Currey : pbk ISBN 9780852557518


Demonstrates the reciprocal influences between Christianity and politics throughout South African history. Almost three-quarters of South Africans in the late-1990s call themselves Christians. From colonial times, when missionaries embroiled themselves in frontier conflicts, until recently, when both defenders and opponents of apartheid draw heavily upon Christian doctrine and ritual, Christian impulses have shaped South Africa. North America: University of California Press; South Africa: David Philip/New Africa Books


  • Part 1 The transplanting of christianity: The Reformed Church and colonial society under Dutch rule, Jonathan N. Gerstner
  • Early missions in the Cape colony, Elizabeth Elbourne, Robert Ross
  • Churches of 19th-century European immigrants, R. Davenport
  • Christian beginnings (Xhosa), Janet Hodgson
  • Christian beginnings (ZULU and Swazi), Norman Etherington
  • Monarchs and missionaries (Tswana and Sotho), Roger B. Beck
  • The spread of christianity in Transorangia, Irving Hexham, Karla Poewe. Part 2 The churches of modern Africa: Afrikaner churches, Johann Kinghorn
  • English-speaking churches, John W. de Gruchy
  • Lutheran missions and churches, Georg Scriba, Gunnar Lislerud
  • The Roman Catholic Church, Joy Barin
  • African initiated churches, Hennie Pretorius, Lizo Jafta
  • The Pentecostals, Allan A. Anderson, Gerald J. Pillay. Part 3 Christianity in South Africa sub-cultures: all-male christianity in gold-mine compounds, Tshidiso Maloka
  • Women's christian organisations, Deborah Gaiskell
  • Conversion, slavery and gender in urban western Cape, Robert C.H. shell
  • Christianity and the jews, Milton Shain
  • christianity among Indian South Africans, Gerald J. Pillay. Part 4 Christianity and creative arts: Christianity and literature, Jeff Opland
  • Christian music in the western tradition, Barry Smith
  • Christian music among Africans, David Dargie
  • South African christian architecture, Dennis Radford. Part 5 Christianity, power and race: Millennial christianity
  • British imperialism and African nationalism, Wallace G. Mills
  • Missionaries and South African christians in the age of segregation, R. Elphick
  • South African theology since 1948, E.M. Klaaren
  • Christianity and anti-apartheid struggle, P. Walshe.

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