
Australia and the Pacific islands

Adrienne L. Kaeppler and J. W. Love, editors

(The Garland encyclopedia of world music / advisory editors, Bruno Nettl and Ruth M. Stone ; founding editors, James Porter and Timothy Rice, v. 9)

Garland, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 72



Includes bibliographical references, films and videos of Oceanic performing arts (p. 1007-1020), books for further reading (p. 1021-1025), and index

Compact disk: Selected audio examples / produced by Smithsonian productions



In the most comprehensive collection of information ever published on the performing arts of Oceania, 168 scholars in thirty countries and on every continent describe the music of the indigenous peoples of Australia, New Guinea, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia in forty in-depth articles.


Audio Examples, About The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Preface, Contributing Authors, Part 1: Introduction to Oceania and Its Music, Part 2: Concepts in Oceanic Music, Part 3: Peoples of Oceania and Their Music, Part 4: Resources and Research Tools, Films and Videos of Oceanic Performing Arts, Books for Further Reading, Glossary, Notes on the Audio Examples, Index

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