Hermeneutical approaches in psychology of religion


Hermeneutical approaches in psychology of religion

edited by J.A. Belzen

(International series in the psychology of religion, 6)

Rodopi, 1997

  • : bound
  • : paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references and index



Contemporary psychology is reviving with new vigor an interest in hermeneutics, or the human science of interpretation. After a period in which positivistic and statistical approaches have been dominant, new methods are being explored. Most of these focus on narrative, cultural analysis, embodiment and interdisciplinarity. Because of its specific object of study, psychology of religion has never been without an hermeneutical emphasis. In this field of psychology scholarship, these new directions are especially welcomed as they offer perspectives for research which attempts to interpret religion as a human phenomenon. This volume presents hermeneutical psychological studies on religion which rely on both classical and contemporary approaches. Dealing with topics like mysticism, religious symbols, life stories and mental health, contributions to the volume draw on a variety of perspectives. These range from psychoanalysis, narrative psychology and feminism to perspectives drawn deep from the wellspring of interdisciplinary collaboration with anthropology and history.


J.A. BELZEN: The varieties of psychology of religion: by way of introduction. ON BASIC QUESTIONS. A. VERGOTE: Cause and meaning, explanation and interpretation in the psychology of religion. Th. de BOER: Inquiry into the foundations of a hermeneutical psychology - A critique of unpure reason. ON CONTEMPORARY DEBATES. J.W. JONES: The real is the relational - Relational psychoanalysis as a model of human understanding. N.R. GOLDENBERG: A theory of gender as a central hermeneutic in the psychoanalysis of religion. K.V. O'CONNOR: Reconsidering the psychology of religion - Hermeneutical approaches in the contexts of research and debate. ON A HISTORIZING PSYCHOLOGY. J.A. BELZEN: Cultural psychology of religion: synchronic and diachronic. T.H. ZOCK: The hermeneutics of life history - A plea for a hermeneutical psychology of religion, exemplified by the work of Erik H. Erikson. J. CORVELEYN: The obsessional episode in the conversion experience of Ignatius of Loyola - A psychobiographical contribution. ON INTERPRETING PEOPLE'S STORIES. J.M. DAY & M.H.L. NAEDTS: A readers guide for interpreting texts of religious experience - A hermeneutical approach. U. POPP-BAIER: Psychology of religion as hermeneutical cultural analysis - Some reflections with reference to Clifford Geertz. A. GEELS: Mystical experience and interpretation - A hermeneutical approach. ON SYMBOLS. J. SCHARFENBERG: Between mythology and symptomatology - Thoughts on the psychology of symbols. H. WAHL: Symbolic experience: transforming the selfobject relation - A new symbol theory based on modern psychoanalysis. W.W. MEISSNER: Psychoanalytic hermeneutic and sacramental theology. Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 9042000414
    • 9042000333
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Amsterdam ; Atlanta, GA
  • ページ数/冊数
    294 p.
  • 大きさ
    22 cm
  • 親書誌ID