Wolf children and the problem of human nature The wild boy of Aveyron



Wolf children and the problem of human nature . The wild boy of Aveyron

Lucien Malson . Jean Itard

(Modern reader, PB-264)

Monthly Review Press, c1972


Les enfants sauvages

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



"Translated by Edmund Fawcett, Peter Ayrton, and Joan White"--T.p. verso

Translation of Les enfants sauvages. In the original, as here, Malson included complete texts of J. Itard's 2 classic studies: De l'éducation d'un homme sauvage (1801) and Rapport fait à S.E. le Ministre de l'Intérieur sur les nombreux développements et l'état actuel du sauvage de l'Aveyron (1807). For this translation and 2nd study was Englished by J. White; the 1st study is given as a reprint, slightly altered, of the 1802 translation entitled: An historical account of the discovery and education of a savage man, or of the first developments, physical and moral, of the young savage caught in the woods near Aveyron, in the year 1798

Originally published: Paris : Union Générale d'Editions, c1964

Includes bibliographical references



"The idea that man has no nature," Malson begins, "is now beyond dispute. He has or rather is a history." In these provocative words, which form the theme of this essay, Malson carries one step further the assumption of behaviorists, structural functionalists, cultural anthropologists, and evolutionists that "human nature" is a constant. If the content of the analysis made by anthropologists is not affected by a "human nature" that lies outside of history, humanity to all effects and purposes becomes its history. So-called wolf children are children abandoned at an early age and found leading an isolated existence. They are thus natural examples of complete social deprivation and Malson explores their history in this complete study. His essay is followed by Itard's account of Victor, a wolf child found in the forests of central France at the end of the eighteenth century. Itard's two reports have become a classic of psychological and educational literature, and are presented here as the most important first-hand account of a wolf child.

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