Biology of plants
Biology of plants
W.H. Freeman and Company : Worth Publishers, c1999
6th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全38件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
This introduction to botany has been revised and completely reorganized - from the molecular and cellular through the whole organism to the ecosystem. The authors emphasize the relationships between growth and development, and structure and function, within the all-pervading themes of evolution and ecology. Features of the 6th editon include: coverage of diversity informed by recent sequencing studies and cladistic analyses; inclusion of current advances due to molecular techniques and biotechnology; and new material on ethnobotany and medicinal plants. There are various supplements for this product.
- Botany - introduction. Part 1 Biology of the plant cell: molecular composition
- membrane structure and function. Part 2 Energetics: energy flow
- respiration
- photosynthesis, light and life. Part 3 Genetics and evolution: reproduction of cells
- meiosis and sexual reproduction
- genetics and heredity
- gene expression
- evolution. Part 4 Diversity: systematics
- prokaryotes and viruses
- fungi protista I -euglenoids, slime molds, cryptomonads, red algae, dinoflagellates and haptophytes
- protista II - heterokonts and green algae
- bryophytes
- seedless vascular plants
- gymnosperms
- angiosperms - introduction
- angiosperms - evolution. Part 5 Angiosperm plant body: early development
- cell and tissues
- the root
- the shoot
- secondary growth in stems. Part 6 Physiology of seed plants: regulating growth and development - the plant hormones
- external factors and plant growth
- plant nutrition and soils
- movement of water and solutes in plants. Part 7 Ecology and the human prospect: dynamics of communities and ecosystems
- biomes
- the human prospect.
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