Organizations : structures, processes, and outcomes


Organizations : structures, processes, and outcomes

Richard H. Hall

Prentice Hall, 1998

7th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Basic text for the Sociology of Organizations course taught in Sociology or Business departments, whether on the undergraduate or graduate level. Based upon classical and contemporary theory and empirical research, this text forms a sociological analysis of organizations, focusing on the impacts that organizations have upon individuals and society. The Seventh Edition of this renowned text has been rewritten to be more accessible to readers and to update coverage while retaining the features that have brought it widespread acclaim.


I. THE NATURE OF ORGANIZATIONS. 1. The Outcomes of Organizations. 2. On the Nature and Types of Organizations. II. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. 3. Organizational Structure: Forms and Outcomes. 4. Organizational Structure: Explanations. III. ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES. 5. Power and Power Outcomes. 6. Leadership. 7. Decision Making. 8. Communication. 9. Change. IV. ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS. 10. Organizational Environments and Interorganizational Relationships. V. ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY. 11. Organizational Effectiveness. 12. Organizational Theory.

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