Policy within and across developing nations


Policy within and across developing nations

Stuart S. Nagel

(Policy studies organization series)

Ashgate, c1998


Includes bibliographical references (p. 151-166) and index



Following a tour of developing countries such as Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Brazil, Panama and Okinawa, this book explores development policy within and across developing countries, and offers some public policy suggestions for improving aid mainly from the United States, but also on the part of other developed countries. Rather than broad policy suggestions, each section is tailored to the specific requirements of the area in question. Evidence from Africa showed a need for advice on making better use of mass labour, better planning for the movement from rural areas to urban areas, and more help on techniques for crash programmes to raise literacy. Ideas based on a tour of China showed a need for systematic policy analysis and governmental decision-making, and pragmatic experimantation, as all developing countries will not suit exactly the same model.


  • Policy within developing nations - improving developmental policy
  • win-win developmental administration
  • emergency nations in 1996
  • post-war developments - Bosnia and public policy. Policy across developing nations: peace research
  • mini-symposium on inter and intra-national dispute resolu exporting the Bill of Rights as strengthening the USA
  • mini-symposium on international prosperity
  • global policy studies. Teaching developmental policy studies: policy analysis training for developme administrators
  • USIS win-win travelling seminars
  • proposed policy analysis training programme. Relev bibliographies: developmental policy studies - the relevant literature
  • human rights and developing countries.

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