The organization of political parties in Southern Europe


The organization of political parties in Southern Europe

edited by Piero Ignazi and Colette Ysmal ; foreword by Kay Lawson

(Political parties series)

Praeger, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



A collection of 14 original essays

Includes bibliographical references and index



This is the most up-to-date and comprehensive anaysis of the organization of the major political parties of France, Spain, Italy, and Greece. Conceived and framed with a common theoretical approach, four national teams of researchers followed a structural approach to the study of party organization, and they have underlined the various characteristics of the parties. The party analyses are not limited, however, to the usual measures of party organization-number of members, local branches, elected officials-or to their formal rules. Rather, the chapters highlight the power relationships among the various actors, leaders, and factions. This major work will be invaluable to all researchers and scholars dealing with contemporary European politics and party systems.


Foreword by Kay Lawson Introduction by Piero Ignazi and Colette Ysmal France The Evolution of the French Party System by Colette Ysmal Conflict and Change in the Rassemblement pour la Republique by Florence Haegel The Front National: The Making of an Authoritarian Party by Gilles Ivaldi The Parti Socialiste: From a Party of Activists to a Party Government by FREderic Sawicki Italy The Italian Party System: The Effective Magnitude of an Earthquake by Luciano Bardi and Piero Ignazi The Failed Renewal: The DC from 1982 to 1994 by Gianfranco Baldini From Militant to Voters: From the PCI to the PDS by Maria Pamini MSI/AN: A Mass Party with the Temptation of the Furher-Prinzip by Piero Ignazi Greece The Political System in Post-Authoritarian Greece (1974-1996): Outline and Interpretations by P. Nikoforos Diamandouros PASOK: The Telling Story of a Unique Organizational Structure by Michalis Spourdalakis Nea Democratia: Party Development and Organizational Logics by Takis S. Pappas Spain The Spanish Political Parties from Fragmentation to Bipolar Concentration by Gabriel Colome and Lourdes Lopez-Nieto The Organizational Dynamics of AP/PP by Lourdes Lopez-Nieto The PSOE: The Establishment of a Governmental Party by Gabriel Colome Conclusion: Party Organization and Power: A Southern European Model? by Piero Ignazi and Colette Ysmal Index

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