Contemporary British politics


Contemporary British politics

Bill Coxall and Lynton Robins

Macmillan, 1998

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Includes bibliographical references (p. 520-529) and index



The third edition of this textbook has been comprehensively updated and substantially revised to provide an introduction to British politics and government under New Labour. As well as according greater attention to the growing role of the European Union in British politics, this new edition contains systematic comparisons between constitutional arrangements in the United Kingdom and in other leading democratic political systems. The book has been substantially redesigned with the addition of many new features. The book is for A Level Politics students; undergraduate students taking introductory courses in British Politics as part of Social Science, Social Policy, Public Administration or Politics degrees; and students on Access to Social Science courses.


PART 1: THE CONTEXT OF BRITISH POLITICS - What is Politics - British Politics Since the War - The Social and Economic Context - Power in Britain - Ideology and Politics - PART 2: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND COMMUNICATION - Political Participation - Political Parties - Elections - Voting Behaviour - Pressure Groups - The Mass Media - PART 3: INSTITUTIONS AND THE POLITICAL PROCESS - The Changing British Constitution - Britain and the European Union - Prime Minister and Cabinet - Ministers, Departments and the Civil Service - Parliament - Quasi-Government - Territorial Government and Politics: The Disunited Kingdom - Local Governance - Politics, the Courts and Redress - The Secret State - PART 4: DECISION-MAKING, ISSUES AND POLITICS - The Policy Process - Management of the Economy - Education - Health and Welfare - Inequality in Britain - Ethnic Minority Politics - Gender and Sexuality - The Environment - Foreign and Defence Policy - Law and Order

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