Securing the future : strategies for exponential growth using the theory of constraints


Securing the future : strategies for exponential growth using the theory of constraints

Gerald I. Kendall

(The St. Lucie Press/APICS series on constraints management)

St. Lucie Press , APICS, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



Today's managers encounter tremendous resistance in getting others to buy-in to change. The ongoing rounds of downsizing and upheaval have taken their toll, leaving a legacy of skepticism. Therefore, managers must not only have ideas, but must be experts at "selling" the correct answers, information, and measurements to address issues of change. Securing the Future uses the Theory of Constraints, a breakthrough improvement methodology, to provide solutions to today's management problems. It documents the step-by-step approach to achieving a strategic vision of long-term competitive advantage, employment security, and customer satisfaction. Using a combination of parable, methodology, and case studies, this book presents an in-depth management road map to exponential improvement in any organization. If you are looking for concrete ideas on how to build the intellectual capital your organization will need in order to thrive in years to come, Securing the Future will show you the way.


An Opening Word Overview of the Theory of Constraints-A Systematic Method for Getting Improvement Across an Organization Inspect What You Expect-The Goal and Measurement Two Paradigms-Moving from the Cost World to the Throughput World Overview of the Theory of Constraints-An Example The Assumptions Behind the Theory of Constraints Three Diseases Attacking Every Organization Other Improvement Techniques and the Theory of Constraints Why the Total Quality Approach Fails Integrating a Total Quality and Theory of Constraints Approach The Theory of Constraints and Other Management Techniques Applying the Theory of Constraints to Securing the Future Applying the Theory of Constraints to Finding Financial Security Applying TOC to Building Customer Satisfaction and Value Generic Steps to Customer Satisfaction Some Common Customer Satisfaction Problems and Solutions Improving the Supply Chain Improving the Supply Chain-Example Applying TOC to Employee Security and Satisfaction Establishing an Employee Baseline Measurements Marketing Seven Projects That Must Report to the CEO Case Studies Introduction Case Study 1: Scarborough Public Utilities Commission Case Study 2: The Orman Grubb Company Case Study 3: ABC Forge Case Study 4: Strengthening Marketing Pillars at a Health Services Company Case Study 5: Applying TOC to Thousands of Employees at Alcan Case Study 6: A High Tech Company-The Operation Was a Success But the Patient Died Case Study 7: Acme Manufacturing Corporation Glossary Index

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  • ISBN
    • 1574441973
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Boca Raton, Fla.,[Falls Church, Va.]
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 335 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 親書誌ID