The pursuit of organizational intelligence


The pursuit of organizational intelligence

James G. March

Blackwell, 1999

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 48



Includes bibliographical references and index



: hbk ISBN 9780631211013


The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence brings together the writing of one of the best-known academics in the field of decision making and organizational theory. It acts as a sequel to March's earlier Decisions and Organizations. The essays published here reflect the shift in March's thinking, and therefore the shift in teaching of organizational theory generally, towards a "softer", more European approach since the late 1980s.


1. Introduction. 2. Understanding How Decisions Happen in Organizations. 3. Continuity and Change in Theories of Organizational Action. 4. Institutional Perspectives on Political Institutions (with Johan P. Olsen). 5. Organizational Learning (with Barbara Levitt). 6. The Evolution of Evolution. 7. Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning. 8. Learning from Samples of One or Fewer (with Lee S. Sproull, and Michal Tamuz). 9. Adaptive Co-ordination of a Learning Team (with Pertti H. Lounamma). 10. The Future, Disposable Organizations, and the Rigidities of Imagination. 11. The Myopia of Learning (with Daniel A. Levinthal). 12. Wild Ideas: The Catechism of Heresy. 13. Variable Risk Preferences and Adaptive Aspirations. 14. Variable Risk Preferences and the Focus of Attention (with Zur Shapira). 15. Learning to Be Risk Averse. 16. Model Bias in Social Action. 17. Organizational Consultants and Organizational Research. 18. Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable (with Robert I. Sutton). 19. Science, Politics, and Mrs. Gruenberg. 20. Education and the Pursuit of Optimism. 21. A Scholar's Quest.

: pbk ISBN 9780631211020


The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence brings together the writing of one of the best-known academics in the field of decision making and organizational theory.


1. Introduction 1 Part I Decisions In Organizations 11 2. Understanding How Decisions Happen in Organizations 13 3. Continuity and Change in Theories of Organizational Action 39 4. Institutional Perspectives on Political Institutions (with Johan P. Olsen) 52 Part II Learning In Organizations 73 5. Organizational Learning (with Barbara Levitt) 75 6. The Evolution of Evolution 100 7. Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning 114 8. Learning from Samples of One or Fewer (with Lee S. Sproull, and Michal Tamuz) 137 9. Adaptive Co-ordination of a Learning Team (with Pertti H. Lounamma) 156 10. The Future, Disposable Organizations, and the Rigidities of Imagination 179 11. The Myopia of Learning (with Daniel A. Levinthal) 193 Part III Risk Taking In Organizations 223 12. Wild Ideas: The Catechism of Heresy 225 13. Variable Risk Preferences and Adaptive Aspirations 229 14. Variable Risk Preferences and the Focus of Attention (with Zur Shapira) 251 15. Learning to Be Risk Averse 279 Part IV The Giving and Taking of Advice 305 16. Model Bias in Social Action 307 17. Organizational Consultants and Organizational Research 325 18. Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable (with Robert I. Sutton) 338 19. Science, Politics, and Mrs. Gruenberg 355 20. Education and the Pursuit of Optimism 363 21. A Scholar's Quest 376 Index 380

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