The vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque : understanding, identification, and modification


The vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque : understanding, identification, and modification

edited by Valentin Fuster ; co-edited by J. Fredrick Cornhill ... [et al.]

(American Heart Association monograph series)

Futura, c1999


Includes bibliographical references and index



In the late 1950s, atherosclerotic lesions in the arteries were intensely scrutinised at autopsy by the Committee on Vascular Lesions, a creative forum that became part of the American Heart Association in 1959. By the early 1980s, concerned efforts brought many medical subspecialties together to quantify treatments of atherosclerosis in the living, by comparing results and standardising on measurements and terms deployed. With improved understandings about the vascular wall, the Committee was able to develop a classification of atherosclerotic lesions. This work reveals critical understandings about the natural history of plaque, the correlation of vascular lesions and clinical syndromes, and the utility of new imaging methods. Diagnostic imaging, atherosclerosis prevention and treatment will be shaped by these new modalities. Continuous scrutiny by the Committee is culminating in scientific meetings every few years, and is summarised in published statements. The present statement The Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque: Understanding, Identification and Modification is the second of these documents to focus on atherosclerosis pathogenesis and pathological clinical implications. As a multi--disciplinary resource, this book edited by Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, chairman of the committee, consists of twenty four chapters written by experts in mechanical and electrical engineering, pathology, neurology, imaging, clinical and vascular biology, physics, radiology and surgery. This invaluable reference tool identifies problems, perspectives and critical new questions for evaluation and dissemination.


Historical Perspective: The Vascular Lesions Committee of The American Heart Association. 1. Coronary Artery Disease: Plaque Vulnerability, Disruption, and Thrombosis. S. Dalager--Pederson, E. Morre Pederson, S. Ringgard, E. Falk. 2. Pathobiology of Symptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis. H.S. Bassiouny, Y. Sakaguchi, C.A. Goudet, R. Vito, S. Glagov. 3. The Vulnerable Plaque: Aortic Disease. I.N. Hamilton, L.H. Hollier. Panel Discussion I. Overview of Pathology: The Vulnerable Plaque and Complications of Atherosclerosis. 4. Coronary Angiography and the Vulnerable Plaque. D. Waters. 5. Detection of Atherosclerosis and Identification of Vulnerable Plaque: Potential Role of Intravascular Ultrasound. S.E. Nissen, K. Ziada, E.M. Tuzcu. 6. Angioscopic Detection of Vulnerable Plaques and Predication of Acute Coronary Syndromes. Y. Uchida. 7. Ultrafast Computed Tomography in Coronary Heart Disease. A.D. Guerci. Panel Discussion II. Overview of Imaging: Characterisation of the Vulnerable Plaque with Emphasis on Coronary Atherosclerosis. 8. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Vessel Wall in Carotids and Coronaries. M. Shannar, Z.A. Fayad, J.T. Fallon, V. Fuster. 9. Tissue Characterisation of Human Atherosclerosis and Plaque Vulnerability by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. J--F. Toussaint, V. Fuster. 10. Coronary and Carotid Magnetic Resonance Imaging. R.R. Edelman. 11. Aortic Arch Vulnerable Plaques. P. Amarenco, A. Cohen. 12. Radioisotopic Imaging of Atheroma. S. Vallabhajosula. 13. Thermography. W. Casscells, M. David, G. Bearman, F. Clubb, J.G. Fujimoto. 14. Cardiovascular Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography. M.E. Brezinski, G.J. Tearney, J.F. Southern, J.G. Fujimoto. Panel Discussion III. Overview of Imaging: Characterisation of the Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque with Emphasis on Other Atherosclerotic Regions and Imaging Modalities. 15. De Novo Atherosclerotic Geometric Remodelling and Plaque Vulnerability. G. Pasterkamp. 16. Lipids in Atherosclerotic Lesion Progression. J.R. Guyton. 17. Extracellular Matrix of the Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque. W.D. Wagner. Panel Discussion IV. Structural and Cellular Components of the Vulnerable Plaque. 18. Mechanical Stress and Strain and the Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Lesion. L. Rohde, R.T. Lee. 19. Hemodynamic Aspects of Plaque Disruption. D.N. Ku, S. Biz, J.M. Downing, S. Glagov. 20. Effect of Rheology on Thrombosis. J.J. Badimon, L. Badimon, V. Fuster. 21. The Potential Role of Endothelium in Acute Coronary Syndromes: Vasomotion, Inflammation, Thrombosis. S. Kinlay, A.P. Selwyn, P. Ganz. Panel Discussion V. Mechanical Forces in Plaque Disruption. 22. Regulation of Metalloproteinases and their Inhibitors in Atheroma. R.P. Fabunmi, P. Libby. 23. New Concepts in Regulation of Vascular Calcification. F. Parhami, L.L. Demer. 24. Plaque Stabilisation: Present and Future Trends. V. Fuster. Panel Discussion VI. Functional Components of the Vulnerable Plaque

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