Articulating with difficulty : research voices in inclusive education
Articulating with difficulty : research voices in inclusive education
(New Bera dialogues)
Paul Chapman, c1998
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
`This is an important book that needs to be read by anyone doing research in this area' - British Educational Research Journal
`Articulating with Difficulty is an excellent collection and comes highly recommended. It follows Peter Clough and Len Barton's earlier and controversial collection, Making Difficulties (1995), and draws on a wide range of perspectives in disability, inclusive education and Special Education Needs (SEN) research to tease out key issues on "voice".... All contributors share a willingness to engage seriously with challenges thrown down by disabled academics and activists; that they do from different standpoints is another strength of this collection' - Disability & Society
This volume addresses the issue of `voice' in special education research; the voices of the researchers as well as those of the `researched', and the ways in which research mediates identities. It follows on from the well-known and controversial Making Difficulties, also edited by Peter Clough and Len Barton.
The contributors address, among other things: the question of overt and subtle power relations within the research context; the issues of `voice' in emancipatory research; and the view that a more democratic approach to research is made difficult because of the individualized, competitive work culture of higher education and research production.
Professional Intellectuals from Powerful Groups - Alan Dyson
Wrong from the Start?
Knowledge Is not Enough - Patricia Potts
An Exploration of What We Can Expect from Enquiries Which Are Social
Developing an Emancipatory Research Agenda - Len Barton
Possibilities and Dilemmas
A Voice in What? Researching the Lives and Experiences of Visually Disabled People - John Swain and Sally French
`Voice' in Emancipatory Research - Jenny Corbett
Imaginative Listening
`Once Upon a Time' - Hazel Bines, John Swain and John Kaye
Teamwork for Complementary Perspectives and Critique in Research on Special Educational Needs
From Emancipatory Research to Focus Group - Sheila Riddell, Heather Wilkinson and Stephen Baron
People With Learning Difficulties and the Research Process
Researching Issues of Gender in Special Needs Education - Harry Daniels
Stories about Writing Stories - Dan Goodley
Reappraising the Notion of the `Special' Informant with Learning Fifficulties in Life Story Research
Differently Articulate? Some Indices of Disturbed/Disturbing Voices - Peter Clough
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