Teaching mathematics with insight : the identification, diagnosis and remediation of young children's mathematical errors
Teaching mathematics with insight : the identification, diagnosis and remediation of young children's mathematical errors
Falmer, c1999
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographies and index
The Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum says that student teachers should be trained to analyse pupil's errors in maths and act accordingly. This is the only book that supports teachers' analysis of mathematical errors and helps them predict potential problems and propose solutions for themselves. Written in an accessible style, Teaching Mathematics with Insight guides the primary and early years teacher, and the student teacher through a series of processes that will enable them to become more effective and enlightened teachers of early mathematics. The processes include: unravelling the complexities of a concept, for example subtraction, by considering its component parts and the knowledge required to acquire understanding; watching children work to observe common mistakes and analyse the underlying misconceptions; discussing the concepts with other adults.
- Chapter
- Introduction and acknowledgments
- Chapter 1 Making mathematical errors
- Chapter 2 Starting with place value
- Chapter 3 Why is place value so challenging to teach?
- Chapter 4 Exploring the analytical process in greater depth
- Chapter 5 What is subtraction?
- Chapter 6 Unravelling the complexities of subtraction
- Chapter 7 What is time?
- Chapter 8 The problems of teaching time
- Chapter 9 Thinking about shape
- Chapter 10 Learning more about children in classrooms
- Chapter 11 Concluding remarks
- Index
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