A Java GUI programmer's guide


    • Culwin, Fintan


A Java GUI programmer's guide

Fintan Culwin

(An Alan R. Apt book)

Prentice Hall, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




90884-8 A Java GUI Programmer's Primer provides an introduction to the design and development of Java artifacts that have a graphical user interface. Written for students and professionals, this book will provide students with initial knowledge of, and skills for, the effective use of the interface components supplied with release 1.1 of the Java language and its Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). Emphasizing that the design process must commence with usability considerations and that the software architecture must reflect this overriding concern, author Fintan Culwin includes the following important features: *UML design notation is consistently used and emphasized. *Consistent use of release 1.1 of Java and its AWT. *Interface usability modeled using State Transition Diagrams (STDs). *Software design by consistent use of class and instance diagrams. *An example of every 1.1 AWT component included. *Includes a case study illustrating different use interface styles. *Internalization and localization techniques are covered. *A web site to support the book is at http://www.scism.sbu.ac.uk/jfl


1. An Introduction to Java and STD Design. The ClickCounter Application Class. The ClickCounter Behavioral Design. Application, Presentation and Translation Implementation. The ClickCounterPresentation Class. The ClickCounterTranslation Class. ClickCounter - Executing the Applet in a Browser. ClickCounter - Producing an Executable. 2. A Whistle Stop Tour of the Abstract Windows Toolkit. The Abstract Windows Toolkit. The AWT Class Hierarchy. The Label Class. The Component Class. The Button Class. The Checkbox and CheckboxGroup Classes. The Choice Class. The List Class. The Scrollbar Class. The Canvas Class. The TextComponent, TextArea and TextField Classes. PopUp Menus. The ScrollPane Class. 3. Extending Pre-Supplied AWT Components. The StikNote Application, Visual Appearance and STD Design. StikNote Design Overview. The StikNoteWindow Class. The StikNote Class. The NoteWindow Class. The MessageCanvas Class. The DatePanel, Visual Design and Behavior. The DatePanel Design Overview. The DateUtility Class. The DayBox Class. The MonthPanel Class. The DatePanel Class. The DatePanelDemonstration Class. 4. Drawing and Image Processing with Java - The Tuttle Class. The Public Resources of the Tuttle Class. The Graphics and Color Classes. The Construction of the Tuttle Class. The TuttleCursor Class. The TuttleTest Demonstration Class. 5. The Semi-Direct User Interfaces. The TuttleButton Class. The SemiDirectTuttle Interface. SemiDirectTuttle, Construction Overview. The SemiDirectTuttleInterface Class. The SemiDirectTuttle Class. 6. Application-Level Pull-Down Menus. The MenuBarTuttle Interface. The MenuComponent Hierarchy. MenuBarTuttle Construction Overview. The MenuBarTuttleInterface Class. The MenuBarTuttle Class. The Dialog Class. The ExitDialog Class. The VersionDialog Class. The HelpDialog Class. Menu Accelerators. 7. Text-Based User Interfaces. The TextTuttle Class. The TextMenuTuttle Interface. The TextMenuTuttleInterface Class. The TextMenuTuttle Class. The CommandLineTuttle Interface. The CommandLineTuttleInterface Class. The CommandLineTuttle Class. Evaluating the Interfaces. 8. Undo, Load, and Save Capabilities. The Tuttle Class Revisited. The BufferedTuttle Class, Undo Capability. Incorporating the Undo Capability into the Interfaces. The BufferedTuttle Class, Save and Load Capability. The MenuBarTuttle Interface, Open Operations. The MenuBarTuttle, Save Operations. Logging the User's Actions. 9. Customization, Localization, and Internationalization. System Properties. User Customization. Linguistic Localization of the ExitDialog. Linguistic Localization of the DatePanel. Other Localization Facilities. Appendix A: Other Resources. Appendix B: Source Code Omitted from the Chapters. Appendix C: Terminology and Design Notations.

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  • ISBN
    • 0139088490
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Upper Saddle River, N. J.
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 312 p.
  • 大きさ
    ill. : 24 cm
  • 親書誌ID