Bibliographic Information

Handbook of budgeting

Robert Rachlin, editor

Wiley, c1999-2001

4th ed

  • Supplement

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Includes bibliographical references and index

"Supplement to the fourth edition 2001 cumulative supplement, edited by William Rea Lalli" -- T.p. of supplement

Supplement: John Wiley & Sons

Description and Table of Contents


ISBN 9780471183501


Every corporation must have a budget to help it identify opportunities, define problems and allocate resources. This title should show controllers and budget directors how to create a budget, from the traditional approach to the cutting edge. Providing all facets of budget presentation for both profit and nonprofit organisations, the chapters are on specific industries, such as healthcare, nonprofit and biotech, written by leading experts in each field. A guide to budget preparation, presentation, analysis and uses, the book is supported by checklists and examples.

Supplement ISBN 9780471390480


A budget is the formal expression of plans and objectives of management that covers all phases of operations for a specific period of time. No other management tool provides the operational direction that a well-planned budget can. Without clearly outlined budgets, corporations are unable to predict profits or losses or create plans for the future. This handbook shows controllers and budget directors how to create any style of budget, from the traditional approach to the cutting-edge, activity-based approach. It is a complete guide to preparation, presentation, analysis and effective use.

by "Nielsen BookData"


  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0471183504
    • 0471390488
  • LCCN
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Place of Publication
    New York
  • Pages/Volumes
    2 v. (various pagings)
  • Size
    26 cm
  • Classification
  • Subject Headings
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