
The hippocampal and parietal foundations of spatial cognition

edited by N. Burgess, K.J. Jeffery, J. O'Keefe

Oxford University Press, 1999

  • : hardcover
  • : pbk


"Originating from contributions to a discusion meeting of the Royal Society of London."

Includes bibliographical references and indexes


: pbk ISBN 9780198524526


As we move around in our environment, and interact with it, many of the most important problems we face involve the processing of spatial information. We have to be able to navigate by perceiving and remembering the locations and orientations of the objects around us relative to ourself; we have to sense and act upon these objects; and we need to move through space to position ourselves in favourable locations or to avoid dangerous ones. While this appears so simple that we don't even think about it, the difficulty of solving these problems has been shown in the repeated failure of artificial systems to perform these kinds of tasks efficiently. In contrast, humans and other animals routinely overcome these problems every single day. This book examines some of the neural substrates and mechanisms that support these remarkable abilities. The hippocampus and the parietal cortex have been implicated in various core spatial behaviours, such as the ability to localise an object and navigate to it. Damage to these areas in humans and animals leads to impairment of these spatial functions. This collection of papers, written by internationally recognized experts in the field, reviews the evidence that each area is involved in spatial cognition, examines the mechanisms underlying the generation of spatial behaviours, and considers the relative roles of the parietal and hippocampal areas, including how each interacts with the other. The papers integrate a wide range of theoretical and experimental approaches, and touch on broader issues relating to memory and imagery. As such, this book represents the state of the art of current research into the neural basis of spatial cognition. It should be of interest to anyone - researchers or graduate students - working in the areas of cognitive neuroscience, neuroanatomy, neuropsychology, and cognition generally.



: hardcover ISBN 9780198524533


As we move around in our environment, and interact with it, many of the most important problems we face involve the processing of spatial information. We have to be able to navigate by perceiving and remembering the locations and orientations of the objects around us relative to our self; we have to sense and act upon these objects; and we need to move through space to position ourselves in favourable locations or to avoid dangerous ones. While this appears so simple that we don't even think about it, the difficulty of solving these problems has been shown in the repeated failure of artificial systems to perform these kinds of tasks efficiently. In contrast, humans and other animals routinely overcome these problems every single day. This book examines some of the neural substrates and mechanisms that support these remarkable abilities. The hippocampus and the parietal cortex have been implicated in various core spatial behaviours, such as the ability to localise an object and navigate to it. Damage to these areas in humans and animals leads to impairment of these spatial functions. This collection of papers, written by internationally recognized experts in the field, reviews the evidence that each area is involved in spatial cognition, examines the mechanisms underlying the generation of spatial behaviours, and considers the relative roles of the parietal and hippocampal areas, including how each interacts with the other. The papers integrate a wide range of theoretical and experimental approaches, and touch on broader issues relating to memory and imagery. As such, this book represents the state of the art of current research into the neural basis of spatial cognition. It should be of interest to anyone - researchers or graduate students - working in the areas of cognitive neuroscience, neuroanatomy, neuropsychology, and cognition generally.


  • 1. Integrating hippocampal and parietal functions: a spatial point of view
  • 2. Spatial frames of reference and somatosensory processing: a neuropsychological perspective
  • 3. Spatial orientation and the representation of space with parietal lobe lesions
  • 4. Egocentric and object-based visual neglect
  • 5. Multimodal integration for the representation of space in the posterior parietal cortex
  • 6. Parietal cortex constructions action-oriented spatial representations
  • 7. A new view of hemineglect based on the response properties of parietal neurones
  • 8. Robotic and neuronal simulation of the hippocampus and navigation
  • 9. Dissociation of exteroceptive and ideothetic orientation cues: effect on hippocampal place cells and place navigation
  • 10. Variable place-cell coupling to a continuously viewed stimulus: evidence that the hippocampus acts as a perceptual system
  • 11. Separating hippocampal maps
  • 12. Hippocampal synaptic plasticity: role in spatial learning or the automatic recording of attended experience
  • 13. Right medial temporal-lobe contribution to object-location memory
  • 14. The hippocampus and spatial memory in humans
  • 15. Hierarchical organisation of cognitive memory
  • 16. Memory reprocessing in coricocortial and hippocampocortical neuronal ensembles
  • 17. The representaiton of space in the primate hippocampus, and its role in memory
  • 18. Amnesia and neglect: beyond the Delay-Brion system and the Hebb synapse
  • 19. Representation of allocentric space in the monkey frontal lobe
  • 20. Parietal and hippocampal contribution to topokinetic and topographic memory
  • 21. Hippocampal involvement in human topographical memory: evidence from functional imaging
  • 22. Parietal cortex and hippocampus: from visual affordances to the world graph
  • 23. Visuospatial processing in a pure case of visual-form agnosia

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