Green politics in Japan


Green politics in Japan

Lam Peng-Er

(The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies series)

Routledge, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 48



Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-221) and index



An important comparative study of Japanese politics that reveals that green issues have yet to displace the traditional urban politics of post-industrial Japan. This is unlike the rise of green parties and politics in Europe. Unlike Europe, it seems that political values in Japan are still informed by the conservative values of hierarchy and deference.


Preface.L Tables.L Figures.L 1. Introduction 2. The Liberal Democratic Party and Urban Political Machines 3. The Liberal Democratic Party's Quest for Local Policy-Making Party Organization 4. The Japanese Communist Party: Organization and Resilience 5. Social Movements and the Seikatsu Club 6. Origins of the Seikatsu Club 7. Seikatsu Club: Idelology and Organization 8. The Network Movement: A Japanese Green Party? 9. The Seikatsu Club and NET: Problems and Prospects 10. Conclusion.L Bibliography.L Interviews.L Index

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