Pocket companion for Textbook of physical diagnosis, third edition


Pocket companion for Textbook of physical diagnosis, third edition

Mark H. Swartz

Saunders, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Rev. ed. of: Pocket companion to Textbook of physical diagnosis. c1995

Includes bibliographical references and index




An updated and revised New Edition of the Pocket Companion to Dr. Swartz's Textbook of Physical Diagnosis: History and Examination, 3rd Edition. Concise and user-friendly, this pocket-sized reference encapsulates a vast amount of information from the parent text--in a clearly organized format for quick reference and comprehension. Features: * Organizes material by patient type--normal adult, pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric--for accessibility and comprehension of essential information. * Features a chapter on helpful clinical aids that provides the basis for gathering data for the physical examination. * Provides a quick review and rehearsal of the steps of a physical examination. * Translates commonly used medical phrases from English to Spanish to improve patient communication. * Contains discussions on HIV and AIDS patients. * Includes cross references to pages in the parent text to make it easy to access more in-depth information. * Includes a new chapter on evaluation of the acutely ill patient. New to this edition: * Includes a new chapter on evaluation of the acutely ill patient.


Section I: The Clinical Evaluation of an Adult Patient. Taking a Comprehensive History from an Adult Patient. The Physical Examination of an Adult Patient. Section II: The Clinical Evaluation of a Pediatric Patient. Taking a Comprehensive History of a Pediatric Patient. The Physical Examination of a Pediatric Patient. Section III: The Clinical Evaluation of a Pregnant Patient. Taking a Comprehensive History from a Pregnant Patient. The Physical Examination of a Pregnant Patient. Section IV: The Clinical Evaluation of a Geriatric Patient. Taking a Comprehensive History from a Geriatric Patient. The Physical Examination of a Geriatric Patient. Section V: The Clinical Evaluation of the Acutely Ill Patient. Section VI: Helpful Clinical Aids. Section VII: The Patient's Record. The Clinical Record. Section VIII: Spanish-Speaking Patient. English-To-Spanish Translations Useful in the Medical Setting. Section IX: Appendix: Acceptable Medical Abbreviations and Symbols Index.

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