The politics of water in the Middle East : an Israeli perspective on the hydro-political aspects of the conflict


The politics of water in the Middle East : an Israeli perspective on the hydro-political aspects of the conflict

Martin Sherman

Macmillan , St. Martin's Press, 1999

  • : uk
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-153) and index



Will the flames of war in the Middle East be fanned or quenched by water? This is the central question addressed by this unusually forthright book. The book provides sobering analyses of Israel's water predicament and of the hydro-political implications for the country, particularly in the light of recent developments in the 'peace process'.


Acknowledgements Introduction Water: A Vital and Scarce Strategic Resource Supply and Demand for Water in Israel The Dual Menace to Israel's Water Resources: Deteriorating Quantity and Quality The Waters of the Mountain Aquifer: An Inevitable Source of Conflict The Kinneret: A Vital, Volatile and Vulnerable Water Source Middle Eastern Realities: Stable Geology and Volatile Politics Will Water Quench or Fuel the Flames of Animosity? Arab Recriminations: Separating Fact from Fabrication Resolving Conflict Over Water: Separating Fact from Fantasy The Hydro-Political Significance of the Oslo Accords and 'Peace Process': Policy Options and Imperatives Appendices Bibliography Index

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