1992 census of mineral industries : geographic area series


1992 census of mineral industries : geographic area series

U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census

The Bureau : For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, [1996]

  • New England States
  • Middle Atlantic States
  • East North Central States
  • West North Central States
  • South Atlantic States
  • East South Central States
  • West South Central States
  • Mountain States
  • Pacific States


1992 census of minerals industries

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2

  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館

    New England StatesL560.9//U75//475511100247557, Middle Atlantic StatesL560.9//U75//475611100247565, East North Central StatesL560.9//U75//475711100247573, West North Central StatesL560.9//U75//475811100247581, South Atlantic StatesL560.9//U75//475911100247599, East South Central StatesL560.9//U75//476011100247607, West South Central StatesL560.9//U75//476111100247615, Mount StatesL560.9//U75//476211100247623, Pacific StatesL560.9//U75//476311100247631

  • 東京大学 経済学図書館図書

    New England States-South Atlantic StatesUS/C1.2:cen/mi:"92"5511905654, East South Central States-Pacific StatesUS/C1.2:cen/mi:"92"5511905662

  • 該当する所蔵館はありません
  • すべての絞り込み条件を解除する



"MIC92-A-1 -- MIC92-A-9"

"Issued March 1996 -- May 1996"

Title of "Montain States": 1992 census of minerals [sic] industries

