Planning patient care



Planning patient care

edited by Lynn Batehup and Jenifer Wilson-Barnett

Macmillan Education, 1988

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4




Care planning can be solely an academic (or paper) exercise, but in this book, based on articles that appeared originally in "Nursing Times", the contributors show how it is practical, logical and effective. Based around 11 case studies, of which each case includes a background patient profile, problems, expected outcomes and interventions, with questions related to these, a critical evaluation of care and, finally, suggested answers to the questions posed. It should be useful to student nurses, their tutors and ward sisters involved in teaching and asessing nurses in practice.


  • Rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction - health education and counselling for long term recovery, A.Jesson
  • helping a patient understand diabetes - teaching plan to promote an independent lifestyle, L.Batehup
  • assisting a mother to establish breastfeeding - planning care for a happy and successful postnatal period, V.Thompson
  • a patient who has had cardiac surgery to relieve unstable angina - planning care in the accute recovery stage, L.Batehup
  • an elderly lady who keeps falling - planning care for safe mobility, L.Batehup
  • symptom control for a patient with breast cancer - planning for comfort and patient autonomy, L.Batehup
  • drug overdose - planning sensitive care in the accident and emergency department, S.Adams and G.Tubman
  • a patient recovering from a stroke - rehabilitation in the acute recovery stage, L.Batehup
  • a patient who has had a lobectomy - planning care in the immediate post-operative period, S.Glen
  • a patient with heart failure - planning care for a successful recovery, J.Wilson Barnet
  • a handicapped child admitted to hospital to improve her mobility skills - planning care to improve walking and self-care, A.While.

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  • ISBN
    • 0333460979
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 111 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm