
Money and growth : selected papers of Allyn Abbott Young

edited by Perry G. Mehrling and Roger J. Sandilands

(Routledge studies in the history of economics, 29)

Routledge, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographical references and index



Allyn Young is one of the central figures in the development of American economic thought, and is one of the originators of modern endogenous growth theory. This book allows full appreciation of the full extent of Young's work because many of his most significant contributions are buried in obscure journals and unsigned articles. This volume addresses this by reprinting much of Young's lost work, as well as other selected pieces that reveal the scope of his vision which encompasses two of the grand themes of economics, growth and money. The volume includes sections on: * the socialist movement * the first world war and its aftermath * money * theories of growth


Editors' preface, Acknowledgements, PART I The nature and scope of economics, PART II Theory and practice, PART III Commerce: The marketplace of the world, PART IV Money and credit, PART V Growth and fluctuations, Index

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