The last resort : child protection, the courts and the 1989 Children Act


    • Hunt, Joan
    • MacLeod, Alison
    • Great Britain. Department of Health


The last resort : child protection, the courts and the 1989 Children Act

Joan Hunt, Alison MacLeod, Caroline Thomas

(Studies in evaluating the Children Act 1989)

Stationery Office, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 403-409) and index

"Center for Socio-Legal Studies School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol"



The Evaluating the Children Act series charts the change and documents the early stages of a new era in child care law. This text focuses on the detailed comparative analysis of a sample of child protection cases going through the civil courts before and after the Children Act.


  • Methodology
  • who gets to court - a profile of the sample
  • routes to the court - the legal and welfare
  • triggering legal action
  • sizing up the first gate - the operation of the threshold criteria
  • gate two - establishing the need for an order
  • the gatekeepers - decision-making processes in the local authority
  • travelling together? - participation and representation
  • where now? - concurrent jurisdiction and the transfer provisions
  • (RE)-drawing the map - the investigative processes of the court
  • controlling the pace
  • road-blocks and diversions - the phenomenon of delay
  • staging posts - interim orders
  • journey's end - the substantive hearing
  • moving on.

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