Eisenhower's executive office


Eisenhower's executive office

Alfred Dick Sander

(Contributions in political science, no. 386)

Greenwood Press, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Bibliography: p. [203]-206

Includes index



When Dwight Eisenhower ran for president he was so confident that he could organize the Executive Office more effectively than his predecessor that he made it an issue in the campaign of 1952. When he entered office he found that Congress had given him just two months to reorganize the Council of Economic Advisers or see it dissolved. The changes he made in the Council still form the basis of its organization. This book, based largely on original sources, attempts to analyze what Eisenhower did and did not do, and how well the mechanisms he installed worked.


Introduction The White House Office The Reorganization of the Council of Economic Advisers Eisenhower and the Economic Council The Reorganization of the National Security Council The NSC in Operation The Origin of the Operations Coordination Board The Evolution of the Operations Coordination Board The Bureau of the Budget Failed Plans Under Attack Bibliography Index

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