Antonio Salieri and Viennese Opera


Antonio Salieri and Viennese Opera

John A. Rice

University of Chicago Press, c1998

  • hrd.
  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



A chronological list of Salieri's operas: p. [599]-602

Includes bibliographical references (p. [603]-617) and indexes



hrd. ISBN 9780226711256


Best-known as Mozart's envious nemesis, Antonio Salieri was actually among the leading opera composers of his age. Research in Vienna and a close study of his scores reveal him to have been a prolific, versatile and adventurous composer for the stage. Showing the rich musical and personal history ignored by the Salieri's stereotyped image, this study seeks to restore his musical reputation, and identifies certain orchestration, melodic style and form as distinctly "Salierian"; others are typical of Viennese opera in general. The book aims to bring Salieri, his operas and 18th-century Viennese theatre to life, and includes numerous excerpts from his works, most of them previously unpublished.

pbk. ISBN 9780226711263


Many know Antonio Salieri only as Mozart's envious nemesis from the film Amadeus. In this well-illustrated work, John A. Rice shows us what a rich musical and personal history this popular stereotype has missed. Bringing Salieri, his operas, and eighteenth-century Viennese theater vividly to life, Rice places Salieri where he belongs: no longer lurking in Mozart's shadow, but standing proudly among the leading opera composers of his age. Rice's research in the archives of Vienna and close study of his scores reveal Salieri to have been a prolific, versatile, and adventurous composer for the stage. Within the extraordinary variety of Salieri's approaches to musical dramaturgy, Rice identifies certain habits of orchestration, melodic style, and form as distinctively Salierian; others are typical of Viennese opera in general. A generous selection of excerpts from Salieri's works, most previously unpublished, will give readers a fuller appreciation for his musical style--and its influence on Mozart--than was previously possible.

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