The architecture of Ulrich Franzen
The architecture of Ulrich Franzen
Birkhäuser Publishers, c1999
- : Basel
- : Boston
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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This work presents information about Ulrich Franzen, an architect who has influenced the architectural scene in New York since the '50s. Ulrich Franzen was born in 1921 in Dusseldorf. He studied architecture with Marcel Breuer and Walter Gropius at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. His encounter with modernism had a determining influence on his work, and Franzen soon developed his own individual architectural language. Reference to context and collage, the bringing together of different elements in free composition are typical themes in his work. The spectrum of his architecture spans elegant, generous residences and severe, rigorous buildings for industry and research. He has also worked on projects in urban development.
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