Balancing act : the post-deficit mandate


Balancing act : the post-deficit mandate

edited by Leslie A. Pal

(How Ottawa spends, 1998-99)

Oxford University Press, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3




The 1998-99 edition of How Ottawa Spends analyses the federal Liberal government's balancing act as it launches its second mandate. The February 1998 balanced budget was the first since the early 1970s, which leads us into the uncharted waters of post-deficit politics. Will the Liberals be able to stay the budgetary course, or will they succumb to growing pressures to spend the 'fiscal divident'? But the Liberals also face another balancing act: they must walk a line between the policies they pursued in their first mandate--government downsizing, expenditure restraint, program review, and decentralization--and the more activist and centralist policies that tempt them in the second. These issues are explored in essays that cover a wide variety of policy fields: fiscal policy, federalism, trade, labour market strategy, food inspection, performance reporting, immigration and refugee policy, defence, the environment, abuse of women and family violence, and gay and lesbian rights.

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