C for business programming
C for business programming
Prentice Hall, c1996
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes index
Appropriate for an undergraduate programming course in Business and Information Systems.
One of the only texts of its kind to focus soley on business applications, this comprehensive introduction to ANSI C programming is geared for students with little programming experience. Sensibly organized, it explains concepts in a clear, understandable language supported by many fully worked-out examples; highlights important definitions, concepts, and rules; and illustrates key ideas in over 70 complete example programs.
1. Introduction to C.
2. Integers.
3. Real Numbers.
4. More Arithmetic Operators.
5. Indefinite Iteration.
6. Definite Iteration.
7. Program Control: Decision making with if.
8. Complex Decisions.
9. Functions.
10. Modular Design Using Functions.
11. Arrays.
12. Pointers and Strings.
13. Pointers, Arrays, and Functions.
14. User-Defined Data Types and Structures.
15. File Processing in C.
Appendix A. Computers, Data, and Program Development.
Appendix B. Program Control.
Appendix C. The Functions printf() and scanf().
Appendix D. C Keywords and Library Functions.
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