Vladimir Odoevsky and romantic poetics : collected essays


Vladimir Odoevsky and romantic poetics : collected essays

Neil Cornwell

(Studies in Slavic literature, culture, and society, v. 1)

Berghahn Books, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. [168]-170) and index



Vladimir Odoevsky (1804-1869) was a fascinating and encyclopedic figurein nineteenth-century Russian culture, who in his day was mentioned in the same breath as Pushkin and Gogol. Thinker, pedagogue, musicologist, amateur scientist and public servant, he is now undergoing a revival as a virtually rediscovered writer of Romantic and Gothic fiction. The author, a leading specialist on Odoevsky, analyses the contribution of Odoevsky to Russian prose fiction and in particular his influential approach to Romanticism, his Gothic novellas and his proto-science fiction, as well as his critical reception.


Preface Acknowledgments Note on Transliteration Chapter 1. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky: Career, Personality, Reputation Chapter 2. Vladimir Odoevsky's Ridiculous Dream About That? Excursus: A Note on Aristidov's Mistresses Chapter 3. Perspectives on the Romanticism of Vladimir Odoevsky Chapter 4. Russkie nochi: Genre, Reception and Romantic Poetics Chapter 5. Belinsky and Vladimir Odoevsky Chapter 6. Utopia and Dystopia in Russian Fiction: the Contribution of Vladimir Odoevsky Chapter 7. Odoevsky's Pestrye skazki Chapter 8. Vladimir Odoevsky and Russian Gothic Chapter 9. Piracy and Higher Realism: the strange case of Vladimir Odoevsky and Fitz-James O'Brien Select Bibliography Index

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