Beyond the cultural turn : new directions in the study of society and culture


Beyond the cultural turn : new directions in the study of society and culture

edited and with an introduction by Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt ; essays by Richard Biernacki ... [et al.] ; with an afterword by Hayden White

(Studies on the history of society and culture / Victoria E. Bonnell and Lynn Hunt, editors, 34)

University of California Press, c1999

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 57



Papers presented at a conference held Apr. 26-27, 1996 in California

Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume examines the impact of the cultural turn on two prominent social science disciplines, history and sociology, and proposes new directions in the theory and practice of historical research. The editors provide an introduction analyzing the origins and implications of the cultural turn and its postmodernist critiques of knowledge. The text offers theoretical readings of the most persistent issues created by the cultural turn and empirical studies focusing on diverse social practices, the uses of narrativve, and the body and self as critical junctures where culture and society intersect.


CONTRIBUTORS: Richard Biernacki Caroline Bynum Steven Feierman Karen Halttunen Margaret C. Jacob Sonya O. Rose Jerrold Seigel William H. Sewell Jr. Margaret R. Somers Hayden White

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