Rdzogs pa chen po dgoṅs pa zaṅ thal ; and, Ka dag raṅ byuṅ raṅ śar : collections of treasured teachings of the Rdo-rje-brag (Byaṅ-gter) tradition of the Rñiṅ-ma-pa


Rdzogs pa chen po dgoṅs pa zaṅ thal ; and, Ka dag raṅ byuṅ raṅ śar : collections of treasured teachings of the Rdo-rje-brag (Byaṅ-gter) tradition of the Rñiṅ-ma-pa

rediscovered from their places of concealment at Zaṅ-zaṅ Lha-brag by Rig-'dzin Rgod-kyi-ldem-'phru-can

(Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod, v. 60-64)

S.W. Tashigangpa, 1973

  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5



Byaṅ gter dgoṅ pa zaṅ thal

བྱང་གཏེར་དགོངས་པ་ཟང་ཐལ དང ཀ་དག་རང་བྱུང་རང་ཤར ཡི ཆོས་སྐོར

rdzogs pa chen po dgongs pa zang thal and ka dag rang byung rang shar

byang gter dgong pa zang thal dang ka dag rang byung rang shar gi chos skor


Text in Tibetan; introd. in English

"Reproduced from prints from the A-'dzom Chos-sgar blocks carved at the beginning of the 20th century through the efforts of A-'dzom 'Brug-pa Rin-po-che 'Gro-'dul-dpa'-bo-rdo-rje by Pema Choden"

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