Alloys and compounds of d-elements with main group elements
Alloys and compounds of d-elements with main group elements
(Landolt-Börnstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie / Gesamtherausgabe, K.-H. Hellwege, Group 3 . Condensed matter ; v. 32 . Magnetic properties of metals ; supplement to vol. 19 ,
Springer-Verlag, c1999-2001
- pt. 1
- pt. 2
- タイトル別名
Landolt-Börnstein Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全15件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Pt. 2: contributors: K.-U. Neumann, T. Ohoyama, N. Yamada, K.R.A. Ziebeck
Includes bibliographical references
- 巻冊次
pt. 1 ISBN 9783540624721
Volume 32 of Group III is a supplement to volume III/19 and deals with the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds which contain at least one transition element.
The present subvolume III/32B provides comprehensive and evaluated data on magnetic properties of alloys and compounds of d-elements with main group elements published mainly in the previous decade.
From the contents: 3d elements with Cu, Ag or Au.- 3d elements with B, Al, Ga, In or Tl.
- 巻冊次
pt. 2 ISBN 9783540632788
Volume 32 of Group III is a supplement to volume III/19 and deals with the magnetic properties of metals, alloys and metallic compounds which contain at least one transition element.
The present subvolume III/32C provides comprehensive and evaluated data on magnetic properties of alloys and compounds of d-elements with main group elements published mainly in the previous decade.
Alloys and compounds of 3d elements with C, Si, Ge, Sn or Pb.- Heusler alloys.
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