Convention survival techniques : practical strategies for getting the most out of your professional association's meetings


Convention survival techniques : practical strategies for getting the most out of your professional association's meetings

Louis R. Franzini, Sue Rosenberg Zalk

(Survival skills for scholars, v. 18)

Sage Publications, c1997

  • : pbk


Includes index



By addressing the apprehensions that prevent students, academics and professionals from attending meetings, readers of this book are shown how to maximize the convention experience - everything from learning what is happening in one's field to achieving social and professional goals. Topics covered include: finding your way around the convention programme; convention session etiquette; professional networking; travelling within a budget; and presentations.


Why Even Attend Conventions? General Strategies for Convention Survival Mastering the Convention Program Program Formats Their Differences and You Convention Session Etiquette Surviving Your Own Professional Presentations Meeting Your Social Needs Surfing the Exhibits for Products and Publishers Money Matters and Traveling Smartly Communicating and Getting Involved Expanding Your Professional Networks Accentuating the Positive Coping with Fears and Getting the Most Out of the Convention

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