Researcher roles and research partnerships


Researcher roles and research partnerships

by Margaret D. LeCompte ... [et al.]

(The ethnographer's toolkit, v. 6)

AltaMira Press, c1999

  • : pbk


Researcher roles & research partnerships

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Includes bibliographical references and index



Book six of the Ethnographer's Toolkit series discusses the special requirements that doing ethnographic research imposes on its practitioners. The authors first describe how the work of researchers is inextricably tied to their personal qualities, the social and cultural context of the research site, and the tasks and responsibilities that ethnographers assume in the field. The book then examines how qualitative researchers assemble research teams, establish partnerships with individuals and institutions in the field, and work collaboratively with a wide range of people and organizations to solve mutually identified problems. The book has a strong focus on the ethical components of doing research, and on the importance of collaboration and action-based research strategies. The authors also offer multiple strategies for working with institutional review boards (IRBs).


chapter 1 Introduction (LeCompte and Schensul) chapter 2 1. RESEARCHER ROLES (LeCompte) Introduction chapter 3 The Embedded Contexts and Multiple Roles of Ethnographic Work chapter 4 The Stereotype of Scientific Neutrality chapter 5 Creating Cover Stories chapter 6 Coping with Reactions in the Field: Personal, Physical and Background Characteristics of the Ethnographer chapter 7 Coping with Associations in the Field: Affiliations, Sponsorships and Friends chapter 8 Formal and Semi-formal Responsibilities: Institutional Review Boards, Contracts and Good Manners chapter 9 The Role of Reflection in Ethnographic Work chapter 10 2. BUILDING RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS (Schensul, Weeks, Singer) Introduction chapter 11 Types of Ethnographic Research Partnerships chapter 12 Building Ethnographic Research Teams chapter 13 Building Interdisciplinary Research Partnerships chapter 14 Building Action Research Partnerships with Non-Researchers chapter 15 Ethnographers as Partners in Intervention Studies chapter 16 Summary and Conclusions chapter 17 About the Authors, Artists and Editors chapter 18 Index

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