Analyzing multiscale phenomena using singular perturbation methods : American Mathematical Society short course, January 5-6, 1998, Baltimore, Maryland


Analyzing multiscale phenomena using singular perturbation methods : American Mathematical Society short course, January 5-6, 1998, Baltimore, Maryland

Jane Cronin, Robert E. O'Malley, Jr., editors

(Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics, v. 56 . AMS short course lecture notes)

American Mathematical Society, c1999


Includes bibliographical references and index



To understand multiscale phenomena, it is essential to employ asymptotic methods to construct approximate solutions and to design effective computational algorithms. This volume consists of articles based on the AMS Short Course in Singular Perturbations held at the annual Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore (MD). Leading experts discussed the following topics which they expand upon in the book: boundary layer theory, matched expansions, multiple scales, geometric theory, computational techniques, and applications in physiology and dynamic metastability. Readers will find that this text offers an up-to-date survey of this important field with numerous references to the current literature, both pure and applied.


Figuring out singular perturbations after a first course in ODEs by R. E. O'Malley, Jr. The method of multiple scales by M. H. Holmes Computational methods for singularly perturbed systems by S. Adjerid, M. Aiffa, and J. E. Flaherty An introduction to geometric methods and dynamical systems theory for singular perturbation problems by T. J. Kaper Analysis of cellular oscillations by J. Cronin Exponential asymptotics and convection-diffusion-reaction models by M. J. Ward Index.

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