Psychodynamic counselling in action
Psychodynamic counselling in action
(Counselling in action)
Sage Publications, 1999
2nd ed
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全13件
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Previous ed.: 1988
The bestselling First Edition of Psychodynamic Counselling in Action has become widely regarded as the most accessible introduction to this complex subject and essential reading for trainees and practitioners working within different orientations who want to develop knowledge and skills in this area.
Revised and updated to take account of current practice, and now extensively referenced, the Second Edition describes the psychodynamic counselling process from the first meeting to termination. Michael Jacobs clearly sets out the main aspects of the approach and using two case studies - a man and a woman - he shows how these can be applied creatively and effectively within counselling practice.
Introducing the Psychodynamic Approach
The First Session
After the First Session
The Importance of Time and Boundaries
The Middle Phase of Counselling
Meeting Resistance
The Middle Phase of Counselling
The Relationship Between Counsellor and Client
Breaks and Endings
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