Wind towers
Wind towers
(Detail in building)
Academy Editions, 1999
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全9件
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Includes bibliography
The Detail in Building series is an essential source of contemporary data covering the key elements of building design that form the vocabulary of current architecture. Each is clearly analysed, both historically and in terms of recent examples by key practices around the world. The combination of building context, design aesthetics and technical solution, as revealed in the case studies, is highly informative as well as unique in a field where specific technical quality of design detailing is often insufficiently exposed by the superficial presentation of designs. Wind Towers is the sixth title in the series. From the earliest times, buildings, including igloos, adobe huts, and even termitaries, have been designed to utilise natural conditions for heating, cooling and ventilation. Today, as structures become larger and lighter, there has been an increasing need for a better understanding of wind behaviour. This has been achieved through knowledge gained from the aeronautical industry, which has provided more accurate wind data and airflow-testing facilities.
Ecological concerns also call for better methods of harnessing the free energy available from the environment as an alternative to harmful and expensive artificial air-conditioning systems. This book looks at techniques using natural forces to control temperature and ventilation by means of wind-driven devices such as wind towers and wind scoops. These are analysed and compared in terms of their advantages and applications. Historical models dating back as far as the ancient Egyptian era are cited as precedents, whilst the eighteen case studies provide contemporary examples of the various combinations of solutions that can be applied to a diverse range of buildings in different climates and conditions.
Climate and Thermal Control. Natural and Wind-Driven Ventilation. Precedent Studies. Design of Wind Towers and Wind Scoops. Wind Towers or Wind Scoops? Application. Case Studies. Further Reading. Acknowledgements.
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