Renzo Piano Building Workshop : complete works


Renzo Piano Building Workshop : complete works

Peter Buchanan

Phaidon, 1999-

  • [1] : pbk
  • [2] : pbk
  • [3] : pbk
  • [4] : pbk


Includes bibliographical references and indexes


[1] : pbk ISBN 9780714838984


Renzo Piano (b.1937) is one of the world's greatest living architects. He has made his name over the last 20 years as a provocative and inventive designer, first as co-creator of the Pompidou in Paris, with Richard Rogers, and then gradually with projects as diverse as the gallery for the De Menil Collection in the United States, the Bari Sports Stadium in Italy and the Kansai Airport International Terminal in Japan. The practice of Building Workshop practice is characterized by its sensitivity to site and local tradition as well as by its combination of traditional materials and techniques with those from the cutting edge of technology. This first volume shows key buildings and projects from Piano's earlier career, as well as from the Building Workshop, to examine closely the evolution of his work. Renzo Piano Building Workshop: Complete Works, Volume 1 provides an illuminating study of Piano's working method, his early mentors and his architectural development, followed by an in-depth presentation of a selection of his most significant buildings and projects.


  • A natural architecture: Il Rigo Housing, Corciano
  • Kansai International Airport Terminal. Spirit of the workshop: early influences
  • Genoa office-workshop
  • QB Housing, Genoa. Piano practices: reinforced polyester space frame
  • woodwork shop, Genoa
  • mobile structure for sulphur extraction
  • studio piano
  • tensile steel and reinforced-polyester structure
  • Piano and Rogers
  • B&B Italia Offices, Como
  • shell structural system for the 14th Milan Triennale
  • Italian Industry Pavilion. Expo 1970
  • free-plan houses, Cusago
  • Pompidou Centre, Paris
  • Piano and Rice Associates
  • Fiat VSS experimental car
  • "flying carpet" basic vehicle
  • "the open site"
  • UNESCO Neighbourhood Workshop, Otranto. Renzo Piano Building Workshop: Aluminium Research Institute, Novara
  • Calder Retrospective
  • Prometeo opera, setting for
  • IBM Trevalling Pavilion
  • Schlumberger renovation, Paris
  • IBM Ladybird Pavilion
  • Lowara Offices, Montecchio Maggiore
  • De Menil Collection Gallery, Houston
  • Contemporary Art Museum, Newport harbour
  • Cy Twombly Pavilion, Houston
  • Rhodes Moat Development
  • Valletta City Gate
  • Palladio Basilica Rehabilitation, Vincenza
  • San Nicola Stadium, Bari
  • European Synchroton Radiation Facility, Grenoble
  • Sistiana Tourist Resort, Trieste
  • IRCAM Extension, Paris
  • Rue de Meaux Housing, Paris.

[2] : pbk ISBN 9780714838991


This is the second of five authoritative and stylish volumes on one of the world's greatest contemporary architects, written by one of today's most important critics. This tome on Renzo Piano (b.1937) provides an enlightening study of his underlying approach to architecture and how this influences his technique, followed by a detailed presentation of the range of his buildings and projects from the period 1987 to 1993. In an interview recorded especially for this book, Piano talks about his early career as a designer, his attitude towards technology and his continuing evolution of what Peter Buchanan has called a natural architecture. Many of the completed buildings featured in this volume are located in and around Piano's home town of Genoa: from the soaring structures associated with the 1992 Expo in the old docks, to the ground-hugging form of his own laboratory-workshop in Vesima.


  • Further dimensions of the organic - the continuing evolution of a natural architecture
  • Bercy 2 shopping Centre, Paris
  • Thomson Optronics Factory, Saint Qunetin en Yvelines
  • Genoa Metro Stations
  • cruise ships and yacht
  • interview with Renzo Piano
  • UNESCO laboratory, Vesima
  • glass furniture
  • Colombus International Exposition, Genoa
  • "Galileo in Padua" exhibition project, Padua
  • National Centre for Science and Technology, Amsterdam
  • Credito Industriale Sardo, Gagliari
  • Lingotto Factory Renovation, Turin
  • "Automobiles in Milan" exhibition, Milan
  • Beyeler Foundation Museum, near Basle
  • Padro Pio Pilgrimage Church, San Giovanni Rotondo
  • Jean-Marie Tijbaou Cultural Centre, Noumea
  • Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
  • Kansai International airport, Osaka.

[3] : pbk ISBN 9780714839332


The publication of the third volume in this series of monographs has marked a watershed in Renzo Piano's (b.1937) career. This celebrates poignantly the completion of Piano's most monumental and extraordinary work, Kansai Airport in Japan, in a dynamic retrospective of his oeuvre to date. An introductory essay, 'From Pompidou to Kansai', reviews the full scope of his work. In 1995 the Building Workshop completed Kansai Airport, Piano's largest project to date. The last section of the book is dedicated exclusively to Kansai, meticulously documenting its initial design through to its construction, including a 'walk-through' that enables the reader to experience Piano's work in a direct way, from blueprint to building. A multitude of ongoing and completed projects are covered, such as the Lingotto Factory renovation in Turin, the Cite Internationale in Lyons, the Cy Twombly Pavilion in Houston, Texas, the Rome Auditoria, the Saitama Arena in Japan, and L'Ile Seguin and Le Grand Stade in Paris. These are described and illustrated with photographs and drawings that chart their development through design and construction stages to completion. Altogether, this volume highlights the magnitude of Piano's momentous career and boundless potential, as revealed not only out of each individual work, but also through the whole range of his oeuvre so far.


  • Introductory essay: From Pompidou to Kansai
  • Lingotto factory renovation
  • Tate Gallery at Bankside
  • Cy Twombly Pavilion
  • Mercedes Benz Design Centre
  • Cite Internationale, Lyon
  • Rome Auditoria
  • L'Ille Seguin and Le Bas Meudon
  • Le Grand Stade
  • Saitama Arena
  • introduction to Kansai Airport
  • background and design development of Kansai Airport
  • elements of the final design for Kansai Airport
  • walkthrough Kansai Airport.

[4] : pbk ISBN 9780714842875


As Peter Buchanan has shown in the first three volumes of Renzo Piano Building Workshop, the architect follows no fashions of form or theory, nor is he confined to a personal idiom. Instead he concerns himself with the specifics and potential of a particular situation and moment, meeting the challenges of the programme, pushing the limits of technology, and yet always responding sensitively to the topography or urban fabric of the building's site. This fourth volume provides an illuminating study of Piano's working method, with particular focus on his regard for context, followed by a detailed presentation of his projects from 1989 to 2000. These range from urban works such as the Potsdamer Platz masterplan in Berlin, a science museum in Amsterdam and high-rise towers in Rotterdam and Sydney, to the acclaimed Beyeler Foundation, and the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre in New Caledonia. Technical drawings and descriptive analysis explain innovative solutions to structural problems. A strong sense is given of Piano's acute sensitivity to site and local tradition, combining traditional materials and techniques with those from the cutting edge of technology.


  • Gesturing to context
  • Ushibuka Bridge
  • Kumamoto
  • Brancusi Studio, Paris
  • newMetropolis, Amsterdam
  • Beyeler Foundation, Basel
  • JM Tjibaou Cultural Centre, Noumea
  • Ferrari Wind Tunnel, Modena
  • Mercedes-Benz Design Centre, Sindelfingen
  • Banca Popolare di Lodi, Milan
  • Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
  • Nola Commercial Centre, Milan
  • KNP-Tower, Rotterdam
  • 88 Philip Street and Macquarie Apartments, Sydney.

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