The political economy of the Middle East


The political economy of the Middle East

editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson

E. Elgar, c1999

  • : set


"An Elgar reference collection"



This major six-volume set reproduces the most important journal material concerning the many aspects of political economy in the Middle East. By subject, the editors concentrate on the vital issues affecting this continually developing area of the world.This collection opens up a new source of essential material to both the student and academic specializing in Middle Eastern studies. The editors have prepared individual introductions for each title in addition to a general series preface for the series. Volume I: Poor capital investment combined with the few details concerning education in the Middle East have resulted in the under-utilisation of human resources. The articles included in this collection focus on the reasons behind this development failure and also how this failure continues to affect the region. 20 articles, dating from 1980 to 1995 Volume II: This collection features literature on the contemporary international relations of the Middle East in the latter part of the twentieth century. The editors pay particular attention to trade, production, imports and exports, foreign investment, multinational companies in the region and labour migration. 18 articles, dating from 1984 to 1997 Volume III: In capitalist and socialist societies, economic systems are believed by their adherents to have universal applicability irrespective of the values held by the societies in which they are applied. Islamic economists reject this notion, believing that an economic system should reflect religious values, rather than a society's values being determined by the economic system. The articles included in this volume focus on the development of principles and the system of Islamic economics. 23 articles, dating from 1963 to 1995 Volume IV: Few countries have been left untouched by either economic or political liberalisation in recent history - indeed, many have been affected by both. These processes have had a substantial effect on the Middle East. Particular emphasis is given to the liberalisation of Turkey, Egypt and Iraq as well as articles featuring other main Middle Eastern states. 22 articles, dating from 1981 to 1998 Volume V: The articles included in this volume focus on the manner in which the character of the state affects economic policies. Attention is given to themes on the nature of the Middle Eastern State in general, the relationship between state and society, assessments of the administrative structures for economic policies and policy making and assessments of economic policies which are specific to individual state formation and structure. 21 articles, dating from 1982 to 1996 Volume VI: Oil is probably the most significant industry in the Middle Eastern states. The editors have selected articles which relate not only to the analysis of oil production but also to the range of effects which oil revenues have on the political economy of the Middle East. The editors have intentionally focused on material which follows the social, economic and political effects of oil resources over the past 25 years. 19 articles, dating from 1978 to 1996


  • Contents: Volume I: Acknowledgements * Introduction Rodney Wilson 1. Unni Wikan (1985), 'Living Conditions Among Cairo's Poor - A View from Below' 2. Victor Levy (1986), 'The Distributional Impact of Economic Growth and Decline in Egypt' 3. Rodney Wilson (1993), 'Whither the Egyptian Economy?' 4. Cassandra (1995), 'The Impending Crisis in Egypt' 5. Jahangir Amuzegar (1992), 'The Iranian Economy Before and After the Revolution' 6. A. Aydin Cecen, A. Suut Dogruel and Fatma Dogruel (1994), 'Economic Growth and Structural Change in Turkey 1960-88' 7. Volker Perthes (1992), 'The Syrian Economy in the 1980s' 8. M. Riad El-Ghonemy (1993), 'Food Security and Rural Development in North Africa' 9. Alan Richards (1981), 'Agricultural Mechanization in Egypt: Hopes and Fears' 10. Stephen Kontos (1990), 'Farmers and the Failure of Agribusiness in Sudan' 11. Ziad Keilany (1980), 'Land Reform in Syria' 12. M.G. Majd (1992), 'On the Relationship Between Land Reform and Rural-Urban Migration in Iran, 1966-1976' 13. E. Mine Cinar (1994), 'Unskilled Urban Migrant Women and Disguised Employment: Home-Working Women in Istanbul, Turkey' 14. Gil Feiler (1993), 'Palestinian Employment Prospects' 15. Robert Bianchi (1986), 'The Corporatization of the Egyptian Labor Movement' 16. Delwin A. Roy and William T. Irelan (1992), 'Educational Policy and Human Resource Development in Jordan' 17. Robert E. Looney (1991), 'Patterns of Human Resource Development in Saudi Arabia' 18. Gunter Meyer (1988), 'Employment in Small Scale Manufacturing in Cairo: A Socio-Economic Survey' 19. Donald C. Mead (1982), 'Small Industries in Egypt: An Exploration of the Economics of Small Furniture Producers' 20. Delwin A. Roy (1992), 'The Hidden Economy in Egypt' Name Index Volume II: Acknowledgements * Introduction Rodney Wilson 1. Rodney Wilson (1994), 'The Economic Relations of the Middle East: Toward Europe or Within the Region' 2. Marvin G. Weinbaum (1986), 'Dependent Development and U.S. Economic Aid to Egypt' 3. Jahangir Amuzegar (1997), 'Iran's Economy and the US Sanctions' 4. Victor Lavy (1984), 'The Economic Embargo of Egypt by Arab States: Myth and Reality' 5. Sami Baroudi (1993), 'Egyptian Agricultural Exports Since 1973' 6. Rodney J.A. Wilson (1984), 'Egypt's Export Diversification: Benefits and Constraints' 7. Rodney Wilson (1986), 'The Developmental Impact of Egypt's Import Liberalisation' 8. Halis Akder (1987), 'Turkey's Export Expansion in the Middle East, 1980-1985' 9. Rodney J.A. Wilson (1984), 'Japan's Exports to the Middle East: Directional and Commodity Trends and Price Behavior' 10. Chung In Moon (1986), 'Korean Contractors in Saudi Arabia: Their Rise and Fall' 11. Y.H. Farzin (1993), 'Importance of Foreign Investment for the Long-Run Economic Development of the United Arab Emirates' 12. Charles R. Kennedy, Jr. (1984), 'Multinational Corporations and Political Risk in the Persian Gulf' 13. Ishac Diwan and Lyn Squire (1995), 'Private Assets and Public Debts: External Finance in a Peaceful Middle East' 14. Onn Winckler (1997), 'The Immigration Policy of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States' 15. Rainer Hartmann (1995), 'Yemeni Exodus from Saudi-Arabia: The Gulf Conflict and the Ceasing of the Workers' Emigration' 16. Charles B. Keely and Bassam Saket (1984), 'Jordanian Migrant Workers in the Arab Region: A Case Study of Consequences for Labor Supplying Countries' 17. Richard H. Adams, Jr. (1993), 'The Economic and Demographic Determinants of International Migration in Rural Egypt' 18. Onn Winckler (1997), 'Syrian Migration to the Arab Oil-Producing Countries' Name Index Volume III: Acknowledgements * Introduction Rodney Wilson 1. Masudul Alam Choudhury (1983), 'Principles of Islamic Economics' 2. M. Siddieq Noorzoy (1982), 'Islamic Laws on Riba (Interest) and their Economic Implications' 3. Timur Kuran (1986), 'The Economic System in Contemporary Islamic Thought: Interpretation and Assessment' 4. Timur Kuran (1995), 'Islamic Economics and the Islamic Subeconomy' 5. M. Umer Chapra (1991), 'The Need for a New Economic System' 6. Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi (1991), 'Some Economic Aspects of Mudarabah' 7. Mohsin S. Khan and Abbas Mirakhor (1992), 'Islam and the Economic System' 8. Joseph J. Spengler (1963-64), 'Economic Thought of Islam: Ibn Khaldun' 9. Dieter Weiss (1995), 'Ibn Khaldun on Economic Transformation' 10. Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr (1989), 'Islamic Economics: Novel Perspectives' 11. Uri M. Kupferschmidt (1987), 'Reformist and Militant Islam in Urban and Rural Egypt' 12. Patrick Clawson (1988), 'Islamic Iran's Economic Politics and Prospects' 13. Mehrdad Valibeigi (1993), 'Islamic Economics and Economic Policy Formation in Post-Revolutionary Iran: A Critique' 14. Ziauddin Ahmad (1994), 'Islamic Banking: State of the Art' 15. A. Reza Hoshmand (1995), 'Profit and Loss Sharing in Islamic Banking: Alternative Financing for Agriculture in Developed and Developing Countries?' 16. Clement Henry Moore (1990), 'Islamic Banks and Competitive Politics in the Arab World and Turkey' 17. Delwin A. Roy (1991), 'Islamic Banking' 18. Alexandria R. Hardie and M. Rabooy (1991), 'Risk, Piety, and the Islamic Investor' 19. Ann Elizabeth Mayer (1985), 'Islamic Banking and Credit Policies in the Sadat Era: The Social Origins of Islamic Banking in Egypt' 20. Hamid Hosseini (1988), 'Islamic Economics in Iran and Other Muslim Countries: Is a New Economic Paradigm in the Making?' 21. Mohsin S. Khan and Abbas Mirakhor (1990), 'Islamic Banking: Experiences in the Islamic Republic of Iran and in Pakistan' 22. Rodney Wilson (1987), 'Islamic Banking in Jordan' 23. Rodney Wilson (1989), 'The Islamic Development Bank's Role as an Aid Agency for Moslem Countries' Name Index Volume IV: Acknowledgements * Introduction Tim Niblock 1. Tosun Aricanli and Dani Rodrik (1990), 'An Overview of Turkey's Experience with Economic Liberalization and Structural Adjustment' 2. Kiren Aziz Chaudhry (1991), 'On the Way to Market: Economic Liberalization and Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait' 3. Mark N. Cooper (1983), 'State Capitalism, Class Structure, and Social Transformation in the Third World: The Case of Egypt' 4. Fred Gottheil (1981), 'Iraqi and Syrian Socialism: An Economic Appraisal' 5. Raymond A. Hinnebusch (1995), 'The Political Economy of Economic Liberalization in Syria' 6. International Monetary Fund (1991), 'Tunisia's Economic Reforms Advance: IMF Approves Fourth Year of Support Under Extended Arrangement' 7. Tim Niblock (1998), 'Democratization: A Theoretical and Practical Debate' 8. Massoud Karshenas and M. Hashem Pesaran (1995), 'Economic Reform and the Reconstruction of the Iranian Economy' 9. Victor Lavy and Hillel Rapoport (1992), 'External Debt and Structural Adjustment: Recent Experience in Turkey' 10. Fred H. Lawson (1994), 'Domestic Transformation and Foreign Steadfastness in Contemporary Syria' 11. Hans Loefgren (1993), 'Economic Policy in Egypt: A Breakdown in Reform Resistance?' 12. Robert E. Looney (1990), 'Structural and Economic Change in the Arab Gulf After 1973' 13. Meltem Muftuler (1995), 'Turkish Economic Liberalization and European Integration' 14. Emma Murphy (1994), 'Structural Inhibitions to Economic Liberalization in Israel' 15. Ziya OEnis (1991), 'The Evolution of Privatization in Turkey: The Institutional Context of Public-Enterprise Reform' 16. Alan Richards (1993), 'Economic Imperatives and Political Systems' 17. Alan Richards (1991), 'The Political Economy of Dilatory Reform: Egypt in the 1980s' 18. Robert Springborg (1990), 'Agrarian Bourgeoisie, Semiproletarians and the Egyptian State: Lessons for Liberalization' 19. Robert Springborg (1986), 'Infitah, Agrarian Transformation, and Elite Consolidation in Contemporary Iraq' 20. Paul Stevens (1989), 'Privatisation in the Middle East and North Africa' 21. Denis J. Sullivan (1990), 'The Political Economy of Reform in Egypt' 22. Dirk Vandewalle (1991), 'Qadhafi's "Perestroika": Economic and Political Liberalization in Libya' Name Index Volume V: Acknowledgements * Introduction Tim Niblock 1. Abdelrahman Al-Hegelan and Monte Palmer (1985), 'Bureaucracy and Development in Saudi Arabia' 2. Lisa Anderson (1991), 'Political Pacts, Liberalism and Democracy: The Tunisian National Pact of 1988' 3. Lisa Anderson (1987), 'The State in the Middle East and North Africa' 4. Nazih N. Ayubi (1990), 'Etatism Versus Privatization: The Case of the Public Sector in Egypt' 5. Nazih N. Ayubi (1995), 'The Structure and Performance of Arab Administrations: New Challenges
  • Old Constraints' 6. Michel Chatelus and Yves Schemeil (1984), 'Towards a New Political Economy of State Industrialization in the Arab Middle East' 7. M.R. Ghasimi (1992), 'The Iranian Economy after the Revolution: An Economic Appraisal of the Five-Year Plan' 8. Kate Gillespie and William A. Stoever (1988), 'Investment Promotion Policies in Sadat's Egypt: Lessons for Less-Developed Countries' 9. Iliya Harik (1992), 'Subsidization Policies in Egypt: Neither Economic Growth Nor Distribution' 10. Mervat F. Hatem (1992), 'Economic and Political Liberation in Egypt and the Demise of State Feminism' 11. Norriss S. Hetherington (1982), 'Industrialization and Revolution in Iran: Forced Progress or Unmet Expectation?' 12. Raymond A. Hinnebusch (1993), 'State and Civil Society in Syria' 13. Adnan Mazarei, Jr. (1996), 'The Iranian Economy under the Islamic Republic: Institutional Change and Macroeconomic Performance (1979-1990)' 14. OEzay Mehmet (1983), 'Turkey in Crisis: Some Contradictions in the Kemalist Development Strategy' 15. Michel G. Nehme (1994), 'Saudi Development Plans Between Capitalist and Islamic Values' 16. Se-Hark Park (1985), 'Investment Planning and the Macroeconomic Constraints in Developing Countries: The Case of the Syrian Arab Republic' 17. Volker Perthes (1992), 'The Syrian Private Industrial and Commercial Sectors and the State' 18. Patricia Springborg (1987), 'The Contractual State: Reflections on Orientalism and Despotism' 19. Robert Springborg (1991), 'State-Society Relations in Egypt: The Debate Over Owner-Tenant Relations' 20. John Waterbury (1991), 'Twilight of the State Bourgeoisie?' 21. Samir M. Youssef (1994), 'The Egyptian Private Sector and the Bureaucracy' Name Index Volume VI: Acknowledgements * Introduction Timothy Niblock 1. J.A. Allen (1983), 'Libya Accommodates to Lower Oil Revenues: Economic and Political Adjustments' 2. Abbas Alnasrawi (1984), 'Middle East Oil and Economic Development: Regional and Global Implications' 3. Hooshang Amirahmadi (1996), 'Oil at the Turn of the Twenty First Century' 4. S.N. Asad Rizvi (1993), 'From Tents to High Rise: Economic Development of the United Arab Emirates' 5. Cyrus Bina (1992), 'The Laws of Economic Rent and Property: Application to the Oil Industry' 6. William R. Brown (1982), 'The Oil Weapon' 7. Kiren Aziz Chaudhry (1989), 'The Price of Wealth: Business and State in Labor Remittance and Oil Economies' 8. Nazli Choucri (1986), 'The Hidden Economy: A New View of Remittances in the Arab World' 9. Samih K. Farsoun (1988), 'Oil, State, and Social Structure in the Middle East' 10. Deborah J. Gerner (1985), 'Petro-Dollar Recycling: Imports, Arms, Investment and Aid' 11. Mahmoud A. Kaboudan (1988), 'Oil Revuenue and Kuwait's Economy: An Econometric Approach' 12. M.A. Katouzian (1978), 'Oil Versus Agriculture: A Case of Dual Depletion in Iran' 13. Walter J. Levy (1978/79), 'The Years that the Locust Hath Eaten: Oil Policy and OPEC Development Prospects' 14. Robert E. Looney (1990), 'Saudi Arabian Budgetary Dilemmas' 15. Robert E. Looney (1992), 'Employment Creation in an Oil-Based Economy: Kuwait' 16. Neil Richardson (1991), 'Oil and Middle Eastern Politics' 17. Hootan Shambayati (1994), 'The Rentier State, Interest Groups, and the Paradox of Autonomy: State and Business in Turkey and Iran' 18. Theda Skocpol (1982), 'Rentier State and Shi'a Islam in the Iranian Revolution' 19. Vahan Zanoydan (1995), 'After the Oil Boom: The Holiday Ends in the Gulf' Name Index

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関連文献: 6件中  1-6を表示
  • Oil

    edited by Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson

    E. Elgar c1999 The political economy of the Middle East / editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson v. 6 , An Elgar reference collection


  • The role of the state

    edited by Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson

    E. Elgar c1999 The political economy of the Middle East / editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson v. 5 , An Elgar reference collection


  • Economic and political liberalisation

    edited by Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson

    E. Elgar c1999 The political economy of the Middle East / editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson v. 4 , An Elgar reference collection


  • Islamic economics

    edited by Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson

    E. Elgar c1999 The political economy of the Middle East / editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson v. 3 , An Elgar reference collection


  • International economic relations

    edited by Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson

    E. Elgar c1999 The political economy of the Middle East / editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson v. 2 , An Elgar reference collection


  • Economic development

    edited by Tim Niblock and Rodney Wilson

    E. Elgar c1999 The political economy of the Middle East / editors, Tim Niblock, Rodney Wilson v. 1 , An Elgar reference collection


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    • 1858984432
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